I will be leaving in about an hour and a half for surgery... What ever happened to those "be here at 4 AM" surgeries???

At least then I'd be waiting at the hospital and feel a little closer to having this over with. I don't have to be there until 9 AM, and DH and I have a nasty habit of waking up early now that we're "old."

Doesn't help that the dog always wants out around 5 AM. So I've been awake since 6 (the dog let us sleep a little later than usual). I've already packed my bag and showered (had to wait until today so I didn't freak out the dogs-- the packing. Not the shower.) and now it's just a matter of waiting. Can't even have a little breakfast to pass the time!
This morning as we lay in bed wishing we weren't awake yet, DH and I started talking about my heart and pacemaker. I don't remember exactly how it came around to it, but I suddenly remembered when they pulled the external pacer wires after VR. The nurse said "I've been told this feels like a pinch." Boy was she misinformed!

And that got me to thinking about when they pull this wire today. For one thing, it's been in there a LOT longer. And for another, it's inside and not outside my heart. I told DH "I hope I'm not awake when they pull it!" (I've been awake for portions of other pacer surgeries. I think I'm building a tolerance to the sedatives.) DH asked "What's your favorite pain med?" I told him I didn't have one because I hate pain meds. He said "Well if you are awake when they pull it you might want some!"
I guess I can put up with anything if I know I'll be feeling better as a result. I just hope my INR has gone down enough. Surely 2 doses of vit. K and 3 days with no coumadin can get it down from 6. If not, we've got bigger problems to worry about!
Well, I'm just rambling at this point. Trying to waste some time (only 10 minutes so far.

). Guess I'll try and find something else to keep my mind occupied... See you on the other side!