What is the Tawdry shirt???

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They are 70's styles shirts, with some really crappy designs that are going around along with a log and pictures of past receipients that have gone through heart surgery. The idea is, put it on, show off your scar in a John Travolta Saturday Night Fever pose and take a pic and add to the log, then send it on to the next person washed and ready to go.

http://www.valvereplacement.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20000 This thread willl give you a better idea. It's all in fun and just between members here.
We've been trying to get them out to new post op people, but older members can request one and we'll see who can send it to you.

Is it the same shirt or can we use our own tacky shirt wear??? I have a ton of what I call beach bum wear. I think the hair on my chest will hide the scar...gray and all:eek:
If you can keep it in somewhat the tobagotwo style tawdry, that would be nice. I'm sure we could use more shirts in circulation, just not sure how we'll get the albumn included with all the different shirts.
wow! i'm still pre-op but this is something that i can look forward to after surgery. can I be the first international recipient of the tawdry shirt or has someone already beat me to the punch? or maybe i can find a Japanese version of the shirt and start sending it around!
If there's not a circulating one available, I'll be happy to post a Tawdry shirt to Japan. Or Australia. Or wherever.

We could send one to the Australian PM candidate. It would be high fives if he would pose. Maybe after the election...

I can produce more certificates. The albums are (at least were) mostly big envelopes with Tawdry Shirt photos of the prior recipients of that shirt, with the surgery date, some pithy wording, and a signature on the back.

The requirement is that the recipient has a picture taken in the shirt, places a copy with the shirt, and sends it on to the next recipient. It's also nice - but not required - to post your shirt photo - preferrably displaying the scar - on the TOOTS forum.

It's for fun, cameraderie, sharing in the experience, and being in some way able to touch the good wishes and karma of those all over the world who have gone through this life-altering experience with you.

Best wishes,