What have you been doing lately?

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Staff member
Apr 9, 2019
I thought it would be fun to share what we've been doing lately. Things like taking a long drive in the country, or playing piano, or going to a play.
What have you been up to lately?

I admit, I'm the type to take drives in the country. What have you been doing?
Well, I got a notification today to share what I'd be up to lately and I thought why not, sounds like fun. I was originally a pretty active member of this forum for the first year or so post opp, and I found it was a great help to mentally work through quite a difficult time in my life. The support from the members here is fantastic, and although I haven't contributed in a while, I still get daily emails and every now and again read the posts out of interest. Anyway, I'll keep it brief.

* I turned 37 in April this year, and had my Aortic Valve replaced on April 12, 2016 at the age of 31.
* After advice from the group, I purchased a CoaguChek XS System and self monitor my INR, testing weekly. My surgeon suggested I aim for an INR of 2-2.5, I take 6.5mg of warfarin each day, and I generally sit around 2.2. If I go to 2.7 (for arguments sake) I don't stress, but monitoring weekly it allows me to see trends and adjust if needed.
* I've found paracetamol has a rather sizeable impact on my INR, however as I often take this when I'm unwell I wonder if having a virus can also increase INR :unsure: (I'm no doctor, I just wonder)
* I drink, in moderation, some weeks I may only have 1 or 2 after work on Friday or on a Saturday evening. Other weeks I might have more if its a social gathering. Nevertheless, I don't stress about it, and I make sure I'm in a safe environment.
* I had a paravalvular leak repaired in 2018, its not completely fixed however it is now considered 'minor'.
* I took the family to Disneyland (Anaheim) in 2019. Seeing the look on my kids faces was one of the greatest moments of my life, and made me thankful of the second chance I'd been given. 3rd chance even? I've had 2 OHS and the plug done.
* I exercise mostly everyday, running 3km in the morning plus soccer training in the evening once a week.
* Yes, I play soccer with the local all age team. We're a lower division team, so its not too fast paced, but can be competitive. My cardiologist was ok with me playing. His comments were "... the risk of bleeding is a concern, but I have no worries from a cardiovascular perspective. I have patients who surf and mountain bike ride, so I often feel the benefits in respect to fitness and mental health outweigh the negatives". I don't 'head' the ball, the team knows this, but we can play around it (fortunately I can run so I'm ok at getting out into open space on the wing). I of course can't control opposition players, but with that in mind I also won't get under any 'high' balls. I get the odd bruise and bump, I've strained muscles, but nothing I can't handle. I made sure to purchase the best shin guards I could find.

I think that's it, any questions from old or new members, let me know.
What have you been up to lately?
Building a shed, fitting out the solar based electrical system.
Building a few small things
Making a solar floor heating system for my house
Riding my bicycle for fitness and transportation
Riding my electric scooter for fun and transportation
Being eccentric
Helping a few members here with INR management...

Such is the life of a professional dingbat
Just over a year post op.
Working out 6 days a week.
Spending time with my kids and grandkids.
Will soon be spending time in the pool and going oversand to the beach with friends and family.
My husband just retired, and we have already booked a trip to Iceland in the fall and a cruise to Alaska to celebrate my 60th birthday next June.
My husband has Spinocerebellar Ataxia 3 so we plan on doing as much traveling while we can. :)
Feeling so lucky and blessed.
I thought it would be fun to share what we've been doing lately. Things like taking a long drive in the country, or playing piano, or going to a play.
What have you been up to lately?

I admit, I'm the type to take drives in the country. What have you been doing?
Trying to enjoy this more happy summer than we have had for two years. Getting out more, walking a little bit. And happy to just sit outside and feel better.
I’m 2 years post op, mitral valve replaced, and doing a lot of camping. Spent the winter in my small trailer camping all over Florida and now spending a lot of my summer camping with my big trailer in Lancaster, PA (that’s a permanent spot.) I try to walk daily but is difficult with the blocked artery in my leg. That happened during surgery and is a story for another day. That’s about it, have a great summer (or winter) everyone.
7 months post AVR with mechanical valve, and aortic aneurysm repair. Am back to work full time and going full steam ahead. Working out daily, and am back to pre-op baseline (was asymptomatic before). Completed a Murph challenge last week. Busy with kids activities. Traveling to the Smoky Mountains later this month.
Still learning the ways of the INR, with the assistance of pellicle :)
Appreciating being on the other side!
I haven't been here for a while. We moved from CA to FL. Still settling in. And unemployed/retired, part of the great resignation I guess.
I have new doctors. My new primary care physician (actually the Physician's Assistant) is going to manage my warfarin and other BP meds. In CA it was my cardiologist. And now getting blood tested at Dr. office monthly using the Coaguchek. So no more blood draws, just the finger prick. I had to tell them my range because they didn't have my records from other doctors yet and thought it was 2.5-3.5.
Went in for a dermatologist visit and found 2 things that needed to be removed. One (a-typical mole) was last week and the second (small basal cell carcinoma) is this week. Make sure you see a dermatologist regularly!
Weight is down to 155-6 lbs. the past 3 months. This was my weight 35 years ago when I was running 60 miles a week. So when I finally get back into running I hope this helps (along with getting off Metoprolol.) I've run a few times but not consistently but still walking. Heat and humidity are taking some time to get used to.
Coming up on my 10-year anniversary with no issues. My new cardiologist ordered an echo in July.
So when I finally get back into running I hope this helps (along with getting off Metoprolol.) I've run a few times but not consistently but still walking.
metoprolol is certainly an inhibition for running, but we have to do what we have to do.

Best Wishes and keep up the right spirit (as you seem to be)
Thanks Pellicle. Previous cardiologist took me off Metoprolol last November. My running felt better a couple days after that but too much going on lately to get back into running. Still have house in CA and making monthly trips back. Will finally go up for sale in a few weeks. Then we can buy our retirement home.
Staying busy with work. Heatwave has and is still here in the South US. I live in Oklahoma. Has been in the 100 (Fahrenheit) for multiple weeks, hottest day was 107 if I recall correctly. This week suppose to be in the 90s, happy for that! I work at an airport as an aircraft mechanic for a flight school in a hangar that has no a/c only fans and we have 2 pretty big evaporative coolers which help a lot. Other than that, looking to get a battery electric vehicle. Have been eyeing the Hyundai Ioniq 6, rumored to be released early next year. Oh and training my dog! I eventually want to get her to where she can walk off leash with me.
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Staying busy with work. Heatwave has and is still here in the South US. I live in Oklahoma. Has been in the 100 (Fahrenheit) for multiple weeks, hottest day was 107 if I recall correctly. This week suppose to be in the 90s, happy for that! I work at an airport as an aircraft mechanic for a flight school in a hangar that has no a/c only fans and we have 2 pretty big evaporative coolers which help a lot. Other than that, looking to get a battery electric vehicle. Have been eyeing the Hyundai Ioniq 6, rumored to be released early next year. Oh and training my dog! I eventually want to get her to where she can walk off leash with me.
I hate it there in Oklahoma, where my mother came from and was born in the middle of July there. She is no longer with us. But I lived in Oklahoma City and Benton for two years in the 1980's as a child. Now been main in MO and it has been hot here to, next week will be a cooling trend. Good for you with a dog, they are great partners. Good luck in the training. Have a great week staying safe and hope you get some of the cool temps next week, too.
I thought it would be fun to share what we've been doing lately. Things like taking a long drive in the country, or playing piano, or going to a play.
What have you been up to lately?

I admit, I'm the type to take drives in the country. What have you been doing?
I drive for a living in a beautifully forested area so get it out of my system using a company vehicle and fuel.

I have two friends who are best friends. In different ways they are special to me and I care about them greatly. They are mostly opposites. I see traits similar to dogs and cats, one is like a cat the other a dog. I wrote a list comparing them. Not to describe the cat/dog similarities but only to distinguish them here, the cat person typically takes a long time to open up to people but quickly allowed me in. It was pure and sincere like making friends during the first years of school before you learned to be hesitant and guarded. The dog person opens up quickly and you practically know everything in a couple of hours and you cannot help but enjoy them. They both have grown up experiencing serious trauma, very different but also similar. It is heartbreaking. The cat can suddenly swipe with a claw. The dog can suddenly bite. These are two of the traits they share. When I am in the frame of mind I have been animating a cartoon about their relationship.
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Great idea this, but sorry for the lengthy reply in advance.
So - took a plane to Amman in Jordan. Then got on another plane to bring me to Riyadh in Saudi.
Am here in the middle of the desert installing a giant amusement park which will run for the month of January, and then get home mid-Feb to spend time with my lovely little kiddies. The idea is to take them for a holiday of a lifetime to sunny California - so ts worth spending. afew months in the dry heat to get there!
Most interestingly, though (for me, at least), is the effect of being in the desert on my health. My double valve replacement left me with a pleural effusion which means that I am constantly coughing, wheezing. "evacuating mucus" and all sorts of other side effects such as shortness of breath, bla, bla, bla
Being in the desert has me totally mucus-free. I am able to breath clearly and don't wake up feeling as though I am about to drown.
Absolutely not sure what to do with this info. I can't abandon my kiddies and go and live in the sun, leaving them with their mum. But staying amongst the beautiful rustic edge of France is cleary impacting my heath in a negative way.
So the rest oof the day I will countenance this problem, and look forward to waking up again tomorrow in the sun with clear lungs, and maybe finding a solution to this issue.
Or maybe i'll do what most of the blokes in Saudi do for an active weekend (and this is sadly VERY true...). They go down to Bahrain "to have an active weekend".......

Oh dear - it seems it never get any better! Must stop posting....

Cheers all
Yes climate is more important to some than others. I had asthma as a kid and my father smoked. We would go for drives on weekends or to visit family and he would not let anyone crack a window. He could only crack his which left us in a cloud of polluted air. Sometimes I could vomit. I now live on the coast. I may gain 35+% well being breathing the ocean air. I am sensitive to things and it is comforting. My lungs open up. When I began working here I would find myself pausing to feel grateful, the gratitude would stop me in my tracks. A pleasure in life stopping me unlike stopping to smell the roses.
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