Some of the foods I hated as a child and love now are raw tomatoes (the dislike for this one lasted until just last year!), okra, avocado, sushi, and asparagus. I also went through a period when I didn't like iced tea, but I'm back to liking it now.
I still don't like peas IN stuff (but I'll eat them alone) or fresh green beans (prefer the canned).
I've ALWAYS loved ice cream (though I don't crave it nearly as often as I did as a kid), cheese cake, mashed potatoes (or ANY potatoes, really), Christmas/Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the fixin's, shrimp/seafood, burgers, mac 'n' cheese, tamales (though ONLY fresh ones. NEVER canned!)... The list can go on and on.
When I was a kid I could eat anything I wanted and never gain weight. I would have cheese cake for breakfast and not feel one bit guilty. Of course, I was also UNDERweight because of my heart, so the extra calories at that time were probably good for me(?). When graduating high school I believe I was 108 lbs (soaking wet).
When I was 21 I had my ASD and VSD patched, which sent more oxygen into my body. Suddenly I gained weight VERY easily. I've been as heavy as 145 (which I know isn't terrible, but isn't great either). It's hard to resist food. I love the flavors so much and when it's in front of me I can't stop eating. I guess that's why I'm in the throwdown. Keeps a little chimpy voice in the back of my head reminding me to put down the fork!