Well, I'm back from Disney. I was able to put things out of my mind for a lot of the trip, but not all. And let me tell you, I've come back more depressed than ever. It doesn't help that I ended up having to give in and rent a wheelchair Tuesday through Friday because my feet swelled up so badly from the heat and humidity that I could barely walk, my heart was doing funny things, and I felt like a general looser being pushed around all day...
On an even cheerier note, my mom found out from the TSTA lawyer that what the school district is doing is completely legal (something about being privately funded). And because there is less than 45 days left until the beginning of school, I can't get out of my contract unless they let me out. So it looks like I'm stuck with Cobra for a year. Now the decision I need to make is, do I pay for their insurance too (another $100+ a month), so that I might decide to stay on in that district and be covered starting in October of 2006 (there's no way I'm going "untreated" long enough for them to start covering me sooner, I'm sure), or do I not bother with paying for their insurance and pretty much decide right now that I won't be returning to this district for a second year???
Right now I'm so livid that anyone would opt out of Hipaa that I'm not wanting to return. And with a year of experience under my belt and my degree completed, I'll have an easier time finding a job next year. Plus, my husband will be finished with school next May and will be getting a job with insurance, so there's that as well. I'm thinking I'm not going to pay into their lousy insurance, since I'll have the Cobra coverage anyway.
As for them not disclosing the information, that isn't exactly the case. They told us, I just wasn't paying attention because I didn't think it applied, since I was under the impression I was covered because of Hipaa. Guess I was wrong. And from now on I will pay much closer attention. Also, I will be sure to ask. I just hadn't known it was a question I had to ask, or I would have. I'm feeling pretty stupid and I'm hating insurance (and my heart) with more passion each and every day.
Of course, the district didn't know anything about my heart because I didn't tell them. I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want to ruin my chances of getting a job. Well, I got the job, now I'm not sure I want it anymore... Oh, well. Guess I'm stuck. Though I might have set up an interview with another district for next week. I'm waiting for an email back. If I interview and get it I will talk to the current district I'm in and tell them the situation. Hopefully they'll have mercy on me and let me out of my contract. Otherwise I'm screwed...
But on a positive note, I did get to meet Sherry while at Disney World. It just so happened that we found out we were staying at the same exact hotel! Go figure. We got a picture, but I haven't had time to get pictures sorted yet. (Ross, I tried to convince Sherry to take the picture the first day we met up, when she was in her bikini, but she just wouldn't do it. So you'll have to settle for her in full clothing.

) She or I will post our pics as soon as we can.