Thanks for your feedback Ultrarunner. Yes, I was under a great deal of stress, not only caring for my mom and all that entailed, but stressing, along with my 2 kids about graduating college, finding jobs which resulted in moving far away, and cutting the apron strings, very hard for a mom

I know my blood pressure was actually much higher at times during this period, especially from November 2014 till July of this year, when everything, including selling my moms home were resolved. Obviously, losing her is still very raw for me. I think you are probably correct, no studies on stress, but there needs to be one! I believe it plays a huge factor in many things. I still haven't heard from my Dr. either on the mychart system, which is an awesome way to communicate with all my physicians, etc., or by phone but I know her nurse put my request in so just waiting to hear what she thinks. Yes, I am very fortunate to have a personal relationship with my cardiologist, she is very devoted to her patients and it is wonderful to know I am finally in good hands.
Just found out the incompetent dr. I saw last December, isn't even board certified as a cardiologist in NC. Seriously, how can he call himself a cardiologist! He told me he had privileges at Duke! He freaked me out last year when he said I had several problems related to my VSD, my electrical system and my BAV. all based on an echo that he couldn't even read, nobody could, it was illegible, but never said anything about my ascending aorta size. Said I was going to need several procedures over a 3 month period and ordered a catheterization just to confirm what he suspected. The doctor who did the cath said there was absolutely nothing wrong and acted like I was wasting his time. He too, said nothing about my ascending aorta being dilated. He told me the cath was unnecessary as there was nothing seriously wrong with my heart, all my defects were working perfectly and couldn't understand why it was ordered in the first place. Told me I didn't need any further tests and didn't need a follow up for a year! He was so convincing and affiliated with a very respected practice that I took his advice. Now 1 year later I am sitting at anywhere from 4.8 to 5.1 depending on which result is most accurate and I have to believe that it didn't get that size in less than a year. Sure would like to know what it was last year, as this has by far been the most stressful year of my life. A comparison would certainly be helpful in determining how big a factor stress plays on this condition!