What are the prospects of endovascular repair?

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Well-known member
May 4, 2009
Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Now you may be on to something. You would need to be evaluated by the CC to see if you are a candidate for this type of proceedure, I don't think I would do it any where excet CC but that is just my opinion. If I did not have the bi aortic valve and just the aortic anuerysm I would definitly ask CC to evaluate me for the stent. It does not requre pump time or OHS. Worth checking out.
I'm assuming this wouldn't work for ascending aortic aneurysms heartman.....Or maybe it would. I don't see any info on that. (Wondering how they could stent a root with the coronaries there.)
It is not for ascending aortic aneuyrisms. Too complicated geometry and also the joining to the heart.

(I have a stent for a coarctio on the descending aorta, but that's a different story.)

The long-term durability of endovascular stent grafting to treat a thoracic aneurysm is yet unknown because this is a fairly new procedure. For this reason, patients who have endovascular repair of their thoracic aneurysms must be monitored closely on a regular basis with examinations and imaging studies.

Do it right the first time and this won't be a worry ever again.