What Age Group Are You In?

Valve Replacement Forums

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What Age Group Are You In?

  • 70-80

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • 60-70

    Votes: 13 10.2%
  • 50-60

    Votes: 43 33.6%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 29 22.7%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 13 10.2%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Under 10

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 81 and up

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Spring said:
I still lurk now and then, but I must raise my hand and be counted this time. I had OHS for mitral valve repair plus pacer added in May two years ago. Found lots of good advice and support right here. Just observed my 81st birthday on May 10 this year. Procedure did not help atrial fib--have meds of Propanolol (Inderal), Furosemide, Warfarin (Taro), Digitek, and Nexium. Still live alone and try to keep up with yard and flowers (acre) plus cook, clean, etc. Slow going. Long recovery but stronger this year than last. Have a few other health problems, also, but cardio says he is not worried about my heart if the rest of me holds up--smile. Thanks for listening!
Well now, congratulations! I didn't leave your new age group out intentionally. In fact, I've thought about adding it often, but didn't know if we had anyone to put in that bracket. I shall fix this pronto! ;)
Spring said:
I still lurk now and then, but I must raise my hand and be counted this time. I had OHS for mitral valve repair plus pacer added in May two years ago. Found lots of good advice and support right here. Just observed my 81st birthday on May 10 this year. Procedure did not help atrial fib--have meds of Propanolol (Inderal), Furosemide, Warfarin (Taro), Digitek, and Nexium. Still live alone and try to keep up with yard and flowers (acre) plus cook, clean, etc. Slow going. Long recovery but stronger this year than last. Have a few other health problems, also, but cardio says he is not worried about my heart if the rest of me holds up--smile. Thanks for listening!

If you're still lurking around, I want you to tell you how glad I am that you posted. I've often wondered how you've fared, and now I know!


I am so glad to see you posting again...Your name fits you..:D I have the feeling you will get our Grand Prize for the oldest valve member.:) Hope we can remember you in a special way..when this poll closes.So check in..now and then......I'm sure Ross will make that special thread..........:) For the oldest and youngest little one.:) ..Bonnie


This ding-batt mom didn't read the posts before she voted -- we need one added to the under 10 category and remove one from the 30 - 40. Maybe it's time for this tired mom to get some sleep :)
tantekay said:
This ding-batt mom didn't read the posts before she voted -- we need one added to the under 10 category and remove one from the 30 - 40. Maybe it's time for this tired mom to get some sleep :)
I gotcha covered. ;)
The reason I asked Ross to bump this thread up....Was because I see that there are 19 members in my age group.....60-70....I am most interested in knowing what they do for exercise, ect.I read the threads on the members below us.the 50-60 age group...on active lifestyles.......Most are able to still swim, walk, run, ect.......but, I seem to get more pains..from what I did in that age group.:D ...I still walk, take care of Grandkids, ect....Would like to know what others are doing for exercise. In the AGE 60-70 bracket. Bonnie
What Age Group Are You In?

Thanks for your interest, Rachel. Please return to page 2 of this thread, and you will find me as "Spring". My name is Lois and I live in Omaha. My 81st birthday was this May, and I had just barely turned 79 when I had my surgery. My wonderful husband passed away in '01, and we both lived a very healthy lifestyle. Everyone told us that we looked so young. We also had excellent medical attention. So, all signs failed when he suffered a stroke that affected his balance and his good judgement. We had the support of helpful rehab and managed for three months. It was not to be, as his circulatory system failed (in layman's terms) and he was right here at home with hospice care and outside caregivers to help me until his death. I cannot say enough good things about the hospice program and the caregiver agency who has been there for me twice in four years. When I learned of my need for mitral valve surgery, I could have gone to Cleveland, as my daughter is a pharmacist in Ohio. After thoughtful discussion, I chose to stay in Omaha, where we also have excellent health care. I have had atrial fib controlled with drugs for some time, as did my husband. In my case it probably was caused by unrecognized rheumatic fever long before antibiotics were available. Fortunately, no artificial valve was necessary as repair was made. I do have a pacer to aid in rate control plus beta blockers and warfarin.
Ablation did not erase the atrial fib/flutter. The surgery wasn't fun, but the real difficulty came with CHF, lung tap because of major fluid retention and a host of other obstacles. My old body just talked back. A blood clot in shoulder blade area probably contributed to a recurrence of major lymphodema in my right arm and hand that had originated over twenty years ago after a lumpectomy for breast cancer. Once again, I turned to outside caregivers. Yes, it was hard on the budget, but what a lift--worth every penny and made some great new friends. I tell everyone to reach out for help when you need that TLC. Well, here it is, two years later, and I am grateful to have had access to medical procedures for seniors unthinkable a short time ago. All is well.
New Poll?

New Poll?

Ross, I'd like to see how old folks were when they had their surgery. Can you start a new poll for us? Lois, I just want to say how nice it was to find your post, and story here. I suspect you will be an inspiration to many! Brian
Psalms 90:10 (AGE)

Psalms 90:10 (AGE)

[B]The Bible speaks of mankinds life span of being 7o-80 years, so at 63, hopefully I have a few years left. I had my first AVR in 1998 and my 2'nd one in 2004. I might have to have a stent. My LAD artery is 70% blocked and I feel very fatigued. I am making an appointment with my cardiologist[/B]. :confused:
Reply to Survey --
55 years of age at time of surgery (55 currently also -- surgery was 9 days ago)

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