Well there goes my active lifestyle....errrr...

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Hi Harry. I haven't been on here as much but I did check out your news. I see this thread has taken some interesting turns (bad scooter pun) but I do agree with the others. The road only ends when you decide you have had enough opinions and when ALL of your questions are answered. Keep fighting.

Are You Sure....

Are You Sure....

Pam Osse said:
Remember guys, we have to make sure that the "rides" can do wheelies and jumps! And snow tires for the winter!

Our neighbor (we call him the old curmudgeon) has an ATV he's tricked out - scares the crap out of me whenever he plows our driveway - the man is seriously demented and tries to run over squirrels. I actually think he dismantled the brakes or something. What a sight - a skinny, Santa Claus looking guy in an orange hat on a camouflage painted ATV growling up our driveway, plow digging through snow and belching blue smoke - truly a sight. He even has a little gun rack on the back for his shotgun - ya never know when something he can kill will cross his path while he snowplowing.

My husband positively drools when he sees John's monster - ATV envy!

That your not in Red Green Country Pam??? LOL :D Although I must admit, we have a few of these dudes around where my brother lives as well...LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D