Well the dreaded layoff is happening

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Lyn got the bomb dropped today. Effective beginning at noon tomorrow, she'll either be laid off or hours reduced to 32 hours a week and pay cut by $1.25 an hour. Were trying to see if it's financially wiser to take layoff and unemployment or if not laid off if the pay minus deductions would be more. :(

I'm so sick of this crap. Last year was the only full year of employment for her and as usual, things just keep kicking us in the teeth (That's why I'm toothless!).
Problem is, I've already cut as much off as I can without tossing some insurance out the window too. Not sure what to do at the moment.

Got news for my cable company. There going to be losing another customer soon.
Gee, I hate to read this Ross. I hope they go back to fulltime production soon. I keep hearing that the candy business is the only one prospering during the hard times. Guess that's a bunch of bull, huh?
Gee, I hate to read this Ross. I hope they go back to fulltime production soon. I keep hearing that the candy business is the only one prospering during the hard times. Guess that's a bunch of bull, huh?

Well her company seems to have double standards. There were lots of orders sent out that didn't meet quality control limits, yet sent anyway, then got returned. I think they were trying to make the profits look good in the last quarter of 08 and it just bit them in the butt. Nonetheless, as usual, the corporate machine is playing with employees lives and I hate them for it.
Sorry to hear this Ross. Shouldn't your 3 bad things be done by now?

This economy is hurting lots of people. My company is laying off 75 people in Houston, plus more in other areas. Luckily it's not my division.
Ohhhhh, I am so sorry! I agree, you should be done with all the bad things happening. I hope something changes for the good. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Sorry to hear this, Ross. I'm sure you don't need the additional stress in your lives. My bout with unemployment last year was a wake call after feeling "safe" for so many years. I now feel alot more empathy towards those it touches, and it pains me to hear your family is one of them. I hope the layoff doesn't last too long, or something better comes along for Lynn. You both deserve a break. Best wishes and good luck.
I'm sorry to hear this Ross. I am currently laid off. I am thankful they laid me off now, because my surgeon and cardio told me I wouldn't have lasted much longer working nights and watching my 3 kids and my valve being as bad as it was. I just want to let you know that there are greener days ahead. I hope the best and May God bless you!
I know it doesnt help your situation, but just wanted to say how sorry I am to read this. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. x
At least now there will be nowhere for you 2 to go but up from where the layoff will leave you.
Ross, I am so sorry to hear this! I am sending positive thoughts your way. This economy has to turn around soon.
Ross, I am sorry. I have seen it happening all over. One of my favorite managers was laid off last week. Keeping my fingers crossed. Your valve bro, Brian
Sorry to read this, Ross. Hope things work out for you and Lyn. Maybe some of the money the government is throwing around will come your way.

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