Hey everybody,
Thanks for all the good wishes, and yes, it is a mixed blessing to be "stable" and remain in The Waiting Room. On the one hand, the longer I can wait, the more choices I may have as to valve and procedure, on the other hand, sometimes I just want to get it over with. (Ottawagal, I've known my AS to be moderate-to-severe for about 7 years, and severe for probably the last 5 of those.) Every day is both a gift and a challenge, but for now I am quite happy with things as they are. I still jog my 4 miles, 5 days a week, although I am slower now than before. I can do most of the things I want to do, and have the wisdom not to try some of the others (e.g. I don't climb on rooftops anymore. . . ), so as I said initially, "Life is good."
Again, thanks, and I'll keep The Waiting Room touched up for all who stop in.