Well Gang...Ole Harrybaby's On The Move....Again....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Yall,
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be moving either the 2nd week of September or the last week of September....I am moving into a condominium with my older brother, as our current living situations are just not working out anymore, and we felt that this would be the best way for both parties. Hopefully, after tomorrow's home inspection, I will have a pic or two to post to show yall where I am moving...Back to Rochester NH I go....LOL Just wanted to keep you all posted.....Harrybaby:D :D :D
Well...it's not that.....it's that I am cramped....

Well...it's not that.....it's that I am cramped....

Ross said:
Wouldn't want you to stay in one place too long. My index card might turn yellow. :D

Not to mention my rent was going up by almost 200.00 per month and my landlords DON'T WANT TO FIX ANYTHING...I HAVE NEEDED A NEW REFRIDGERATOR THE WHOLE 1 1/2 YEARS I HAVE BEEN HERE AND THEY WON'T FIX IT...AND THEY WON'T REPLACE IT.....EVEN WITH GETTING THE APPROPRIATE PARTIES INVOLVED....I just can't see paying that much rent when they are not fixing anything. this way at least a mortgage stays at one payment level.....Sorry for the double post Ross.....I goofed....Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D :D
Well Harry,
You forced me to get my Atlas out, and look you up! I found Rochester right away, but took awhile to find Dover. It couldn't have been closer than the nose on my face, but Hey! What can I say?:D :D :D :p
It doesn't look like it will be a bad move (distance wise) and maybe you and your brother can save some money sharing a place.
I'm glad you're moving before bad weather begins!
Keep us posted and put some pics on when you can!:)
Read my post on your other thread!
It would be nice if someone would merge them . . . hint, hint!
Ohhhhhh Rossssssssey Dear!
Harry, you are on the move again. I can't blame you for moving. Now listen to your other "mother" and take it easy while moving. Don't over do or you'll be completely down again. Good luck on your new place!
It will definitely be a good move.....

It will definitely be a good move.....

Mary said:
Well Harry,
You forced me to get my Atlas out, and look you up! I found Rochester right away, but took awhile to find Dover. It couldn't have been closer than the nose on my face, but Hey! What can I say?:D :D :D :p
It doesn't look like it will be a bad move (distance wise) and maybe you and your brother can save some money sharing a place.
I'm glad you're moving before bad weather begins!
Keep us posted and put some pics on when you can!:)

This will be a good move because the new condo will have much more space than I have had here in Dover, and I am hoping that it will help with my stress level as that hasn't been too good over the past few weeks. I am also glad that I am moving before winter as this last move I made was right at the end of winter, which made it very hard....

As for pics, I am going to the home inspection tomorrow, and I will be taking pics to post, once I have them resized down to a manageable level. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Harry, I don't know your brother, but my first thought was that I was glad you would have someone to share your daily life with. I hope it all goes well. And if he makes you mad, you can just give him a noogie.:D

I also wanted to tell you what an adorable picture of you and your new best girl was that you posts on another thread. What a beautiful baby! And Uncle Harry looks like the proudest uncle. Hard to believe a grown man can be wrapped around that tiny finger.:D Enjoy her!
Thanks Glenda.....I will take it easy....I am having movers do it..

Thanks Glenda.....I will take it easy....I am having movers do it..

Glenda said:
Harry, you are on the move again. I can't blame you for moving. Now listen to your other "mother" and take it easy while moving. Don't over do or you'll be completely down again. Good luck on your new place!

e just been sooooooooo tired and sooooooooo weak and I am glad that I am being moved this time, as I just don't think I am up to another move like I did when I moved into this place. I am also hoping I can find another Cardio, and soon, as I have been having alot of chest pain and SOB. Enough Of Me...

How have you been doing Glenda? I hope everything is under control with your Leukemia and heart issues....(It's hard having multiple illnesses isn't it?...I know it sure is for me...especially with the 10 shots of insulin that I take a day). Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words...Peace and Blessings, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Oh Karlynn, JUST YOU WAIT until you see your grandbaby......

Oh Karlynn, JUST YOU WAIT until you see your grandbaby......

Karlynn said:
Harry, I don't know your brother, but my first thought was that I was glad you would have someone to share your daily life with. I hope it all goes well. And if he makes you mad, you can just give him a noogie.:D

I also wanted to tell you what an adorable picture of you and your new best girl was that you posts on another thread. What a beautiful baby! And Uncle Harry looks like the proudest uncle. Hard to believe a grown man can be wrapped around that tiny finger.:D Enjoy her!

It's absolutely, positively, unquestionably and undeniably the best thing that has happened in my life in the past few years.....I can't get enough of holding her, and even though she is suffering from Colic (spelling?) right now, she has the sweetest personality....wait until I post some of the other pics of her.

In fact, here's one of her now...LOL

And this one is of her being "Charmed" by her mother, Lynne...

I really Pray that you and your family Karlynn, as well as everyone on VR.com get as much joy and pleasure out of children and babies as I do...They are Truly GOD's greatest gift. Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
Hey Harry, good luck with your move! Glad that you are having movers do the work...can't have you overdoing it.

That's wonderful that you and your brother can get along well and share living space.

Great pix of your little niece...she is absolutely adorable.

Take care,
Harry, hope all the best for you with your new home. Also, hoping for a smooth moving day for you. It's still tiring even if you do have movers.

Also, you little niece is "grand" just like our little grand kids we all love so much. Hope she's feeling better soon. She sure LOOKS happy.

Hey Harry,
I hope your new home works out Great for you.:)
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your niece. I am sure you won't be spoiling her.:D