Well-known member
Like others, I think your best bet now is with politicians.
Ross said:Cort the only thing I can figure is that there are other programs that he will be eligible for, but this one he's not for the reason cited. I've looked, but havent' fouind any besides traditional medicaid, which is what I thought this applies to. At least I hope so!
The at fault driver had NO INSURANCE and NO LICENSE. Now Chris and hes then girlfrend did, but a very meager amount. It covered maybe 20% of the bills.Lisa in Katy said:This may have been answered already, but shouldn't either the other person's or his car insurance pay for it? Has he already maxed out? When we were in an accident, the other insurance company paid all medical bills.
hensylee said:I didn't even think of them, Ross. There's also St Jude's - even tho Chris isn't a wee child, he's still under adult age, isn't he? He might get surgery there.
Karlynn said:Do I recall you saying you had contacted a lawyer?
At this point, with all the money owed to the illustrious medical community, I think I'd begin to feel "what's a few more bucks to a lawyer gonna hurt?" If you don't have one, contact the state or local Bar Assoc and see if they can give you a list.
And just another thought - if they are starting to get a bit pushy about collecting the medical bills, maybe write a well-worded letter to the editor about getting stuck with large med bills due to an uninsured, unlicensed drunk driver. Hospitals don't want to see themselves look in-"hospitable" in the press.
bvdr said:Ann, are you thinking of the Shriners? I have a life-long friend who has a daughter with hemi-hypertrophy (one side of the body grows much faster and larger than the normal side) and the Shriners have taken her under their wings from the time she was diagnosed as a small child.
Ross, maybe you could contact them since, if I remember right, orthopedic problems has always been an area in which they are actively involved. I don't know if he is older than what they consider a "child" or not.
I hope Chris is improving and that he is learning the guitar and filling your house with music.....and if not, you have very good earplugs.
hensylee said:I was thinking of St Jude's (Danny Thomas hospital). They do free surgery on kids if they can't afford.
We have vans in the local area that take patients to all sorts of places for treatment, etc. I use them for nearby towns so I don't have to drive. Costs me $10 to go to Pensacola 70 mi there and 70 mi back. The driver told me they even drive to Shands which is about 250 miles away from here. Maybe there is a van outfitr at your area, Ross. Ours have wheelchair vans as well as bus type and it's a tri-county outfit. Those who can't afford, don't pay at all.