Well, finally...joined the gym and actually going...

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
east coast
Hi Guys (and girls)

I had my MV repaired last October (second time) and all went well...But while I live in NYC and walk, my doctor said I need to do aerobic exercise as my BP has risen and the echo showed EF of around 40%..He said that it is sure it will improve with medications and exercise..SO I've on 320 mg Diovan and 18.5 Coreg 2x a day.

I just started on the treadmill and walk at 4.0 mph for about 30 minutes plus 10 minutes combined warm up and cool down. I cover about 2 miles..I do 1-2 minutes of running at around 5.5 mph 2x during each session.

I'm 55 years old, 172 lbs 5 11 and don't smoke.. I look like I can run..haha..

I'm taking it easy as clearly I am really de conditioned.. I thought I could do this every day but there's no way I can yet...So I am going 3-4x a week max..this is week two..

The exertion level is pretty tough at times...My max heart rate during these sessions is about 125 and that's really uncomfortable to keep up! Wow, my heart rate before surgery after a medium speed walk was 140!

My resting heart rate though is still higher than normal but slowly coming down to about 80..

Just started this thread to share and for support as this really sucks...hahaha

It would be a dream to be able to run for 20-30 minutes....Overall I feel pretty good but I am tired most of the time and it's clearly de conditioning and unrelated 'normal' stress I suppose.

On a great note, I have such a good (and rare) NYC story, the gym membership is supposed to be 1/2 off as a resident of the building...but someone likes me in management and when I went to join the manager said he got an email that for me the membership is free!!

I was blown away as this never happens!

I take it as a message from God,,,saying, "OK, I am giving you a free gym membership...I suggest you take it and get your lazy butt to the gym!"
It sounds like you're doing well. As you continue exercising, your heart rate will drop and I bet your EF will increase.
Let us know when you're running 20-30 minutes. You say it's a dream, but you sound like you're well on your way to accomplishing it.:thumbup:
It sounds like you're doing well. As you continue exercising, your heart rate will drop and I bet your EF will increase.
Let us know when you're running 20-30 minutes. You say it's a dream, but you sound like you're well on your way to accomplishing it.:thumbup:

I see the cardiologist tomorrow and am interested in his advice of course.

I think he wants me to go to 25 Coreg 2x a day soon along with the 320mg Diovan...I hate having to take such high dosages but know that's what's needed so...of course I will.

Funny how I heard a brief segment on CNBC about how americans are walking more than ever for exercise but how most are not getting their heart rates high enough or for long enough..From what I heard the study that was discussed said we should walk 150 minutes per week and that during each walk the heart should be at a high rate for at least 10 minutes per outing.. I know that's very rough information but it immediately felt right to me and was a reason I knew that walking in the street unless very set out to exercise is good but certainly not the same as cardiac rehab which I snubbed and felt I didnt have to do... : <

Tonight was the 5th time at the gym...did over 2 miles and three sets of 10 pushups ( i know it's not much..lol) but my legs are still tired and obviously not in shape.

I think I can get heart rate higher for longer once I get past the tiredness in my legs... Heart rate stays at around 110-115 which is so low! I get it to about 125 but as said, I am afraid of getting exhausted! I've read that with these meds they can reduce max heart rate by 20-25% which feels about right.

I am disciplined in NOT pushing too hard as that's the natural thing I would do..I can't afford to push too hard and be so wiped out I dont want to go..which is what happened in workout #3..

thanks for the encouragement! It's a nice feeling that there is a good chance my EF will improve and as a valve patient for years, have been conditioned into thinking nothing can really improve unless it's replaced or fixed...from all reports, it sounds like it should...
Great job. I think that the "Free Membership" is a message that someone wants you to be healthy and exercise. I know I do!
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Offwego, your dream of running for 20 or 30 minutes will come true! I had the same dream and am able to run for 25 - 28 minutes at a time now. FYI, I am 63 years old, started running last winter and I am making slow but steady progress. My HR goes pretty high, in the 160's, but my doctors are ok with that. Just keep at it and it will happen for you too.
Since I'm not a doc or pharmacist, I'll ask - is the Coreg a beta blocker? If it is, it may act to keep your heart rate from going as high as it normally would. They sometimes give us beta blockers not only for blood pressure control, but to keep heart rate lower, allowing a more complete pumping stroke each time. I'm taking metoprolol since surgery, and it limits my heart rate. Pre-op, I could run and bring my heart rate up to the 150's or 160's. Post-op, with the beta blocker, 135 is about it. It seems that for me it is a limiting factor in my re-conditioning.
Yes, Coreg/Carvedilol is a beta blocker. It limits the heart rate, which means you are working much harder to get to 125 bpm than a "normal" person.
You are doing really well, especially with the meds you are taking. When you talk with your cardio, discuss WHY your are on them, and what it will take to get off of them. Let your cardio know you want to work out, get in better shape, and have them help you in that effort. If at any time you hear you are taking BB's just to lower your BP, tell them there are much better drugs (ace inhibitor, calcium channel blockers) to work on BP with slowing down the HR and affecting your work outs. Good luck!
After a while the exercise will be your drug, and a must have every day. The catch is you have to stick with it long enough to get addicted. Don't get me wrong, even after you a a sweat junkie there will be days you will simply not feel the love to work out; on those days listen to your body and take a day or two off. I got rid of my overpriced YMCA membership and picked up an adjustable dumbbell set and Precor elliptical bike. I do everything at home now and love it; the key is having a TV in your workout room. The dumbbells have allowed me to reclaim some solid muscle that I thought was gone forever.

Keep it up, it is so worth it!!
After a while the exercise will be your drug, and a must have every day. The catch is you have to stick with it long enough to get addicted. Don't get me wrong, even after you a a sweat junkie there will be days you will simply not feel the love to work out; on those days listen to your body and take a day or two off. I got rid of my overpriced YMCA membership and picked up an adjustable dumbbell set and Precor elliptical bike. I do everything at home now and love it; the key is having a TV in your workout room. The dumbbells have allowed me to reclaim some solid muscle that I thought was gone forever.

Keep it up, it is so worth it!!

I can see that happening...It's still really hard to get started but not doing it makes me feel worse.

I'm not doing this new program on my own, it's strict doctors orders. Makes it easier when you know it's not just good idea!

The reason I am taking the Diovan (max dose) and Coreg (eventually to 25mg 2x a day) is two fold, to lower BP which we are not sure why it went up..Could deconditioning do that? Stress sure can and the combination might be contributing factors but it's neither here nor there right now.

After an echo about 1 month ago, my EF was around 40%. The doctor feels (and has repeated this 6 times, as I keep asking) that the EF will improve and that in order for that to happen, the heart needs to be relaxed and aerobic exercise simply must be done.

I saw him today and he was very pleased with the EKG and said the intervals between beats (or something like that) show clear improvement already. He said he thinks if I had an echo today it would already be showing improved EF.

The Coreg is specifically the med of choice it seems to lower heart rate and help the heart muscle get stronger with the combination of exercise.

My bp is lower than I thought, I bought a new wrist bp reader that was better than the previous one but for me at least at this office, it's always lower by perhaps 10 points.

Clearly the HR is being limited by the medication as that seems to be the plan. I've gone to the gym 5x only but I am very clear on the goals, the first being not to over do it. You all know how hard it is even without these issues to start working out after stopping for so many years..

He said for now HR about 110 bpm is a good target while exercising. Which actually instinctively feels right. My heart rate was much much higher in the past...going up to 135bpm after a short medium walk..

The 'plan' the doctor outlined is to increase to 25 Coreg (ugh) 2x a day and keep exercising...and it might take as long as a year before we wean off the meds and see how the BP and heart is doing. He's very optimistic and I not only need to do this for my heart but I've just not been paying attention as I need to for my body.

I will start adding light weights within the next two weeks..Very slow but definitely also needed.
I actually forgot to ask the doctor on what he suggested as to how often I should be doing this...I guess I could back it down (hate that) to go even slower...and maybe be less tired that will allow me to do this maybe 5x a week but right now 3 minimum and probably 4 maximum until I'm a little stronger.

THoughts are always appreciated!
As you get going in your workouts, make sure to mix it up...longer one day, shorter the next, etc. also, a goal race or walk is really good to have.......
As you get going in your workouts, make sure to mix it up...longer one day, shorter the next, etc. also, a goal race or walk is really good to have.......

What I plan on and am doing a little is mixing it up during the treadmill workout...Soon, I try a bike and elliptical...But I'm just adding a minute run here and there within the 30 minute workout...I warm up for 5...stretch...and reset and do 30 minutes and then 5 minutes cool down, stretch and pushups.

I' guess I'll 'give myself permission' to me 'lazy' some days (hard for me to do without feeling down on myself as silly as that sounds) but it would probably be better for taking it just a little easier once in awhile (like slower pace) or no intervals..but right now I have it in my head to do this routine and nothing less...

No interest in races or walks but I do want to bring my bike into the city and see how the old heart (and legs) feel after riding that! Been years... : <

thank you for the post!
After a while the exercise will be your drug, and a must have every day. The catch is you have to stick with it long enough to get addicted. Don't get me wrong, even after you a a sweat junkie there will be days you will simply not feel the love to work out; on those days listen to your body and take a day or two off. I got rid of my overpriced YMCA membership and picked up an adjustable dumbbell set and Precor elliptical bike. I do everything at home now and love it; the key is having a TV in your workout room. The dumbbells have allowed me to reclaim some solid muscle that I thought was gone forever.

Keep it up, it is so worth it!!

I completed 2 weeks...and need to go 4x a week..I am not addicted yet (I wish) but the feeling of not going (ie disgust) is worse than the feeling of going! That's a start.

Even after two weeks, my breaths are starting to feel deeper and a bit more satisfying!

I feel like a real idiot to have not been getting real aerobic exercise for so many years...Years ago I used to run, nothing major but I could do 3 miles outside at a very good pace..but that was a long time ago.

Tonight was my best ever...nothing spectacular as I also really have to be careful not to go too fast as I can't afford to be wiped out on recovery yet..Not including warm up or cool down, I did a solid 30 minutes of which 5-6 minutes were between 5.5 mph and the rest was at 4.0mph..Max HR was a bit over 125 and average was about 114. I could have gone longer or faster but I know that I'm lucky to be doing this as it's not easy and I am drenched when I am done.

The question is when does the addiction come! haha..someone told me 21 days but it seems so random and maybe age related too..I'm mad I haven't taken care of myself better in the past.oh well at 55 it could be worse i guess....but running next to supermodels who run like deer is depressing! I can't catch them! (yet) :D
Wel, the old adage is if you workout 30 days it becomes a habit....another few months after that it will become the addiction! Good luck!
As you get going in your workouts, make sure to mix it up...longer one day, shorter the next, etc. also, a goal race or walk is really good to have.......

I find it SO hard to do any less than I am doing! I know I can push for more but that would be the typically stupid thing I expect to do when I'm starting..Today was typical...very hard to motivate tired from Tuesdays work out and the Coreg is hitting me hard..Had Red Bull and still was dragging..

I managed to get my solid 30 minute, 2 mile (now standard, haha) in, plus warm up and cool down..I only did 2-3 minutes running a 5mph pace and the rest at 4.0...I was more tired this workout than any so far...UGH..

I no that's inevitable and If I could get my head around just still doing the 30 minutes + but maybe skip the 2-3 minute run and slow down the walk just a tiny bit would make a bad day really not that bad and as far as the heart benefit even doing a little less, my instinct says it's an insignificant difference, especially if you are a little less tired the next time!

SO hard to do LESS...ridiculous but just the way it is, probably typical for starting and on a mission at the same time!

sorry to ramble on.

I need a place to write up each work out, how i felt before during and after, bp, water and other info...would be useful and fun.

Anybody do this now? sorry to take up so much space here!
I keep a journal of all my work-outs. That way I can compare over longer periods of time. That is how I realized that now, at almost 18 months post-op, I can do as much - or even more - than I could at the 18 month point before surgery. Something to feel good about.

I hear you on the beta blocker. I'm convinced that the B/B is what is keeping me from exceeding what I used to be able to do.
I just read all these posts and it is encouraging to see what the possibilities are! I am 8 days post op and walking just 1/2 mile, three times a day at this point! Starting to feel better already though!

Aortic Valve Replacement
Bovine 3300TFX, 25MM
9 AUG 2012