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Hands Steve the M&M's I been hiding for a rainy day.......and offers to give him 15 pounds of the 25 pounds I have gained waiting for my surgery!!! I think I should have told my Doctor on day one, I was a recovering stress eater, he would have scheduled me the next morning :)
Dang, my brain just never works at the right times...must be.....nahhhhhh, I'll never say it, LOL ( old age)

Go Team 2011 !!!
Congrats on your surgery! Good luck with On-X.

Can I ask a stupid question?

I was not a pump head. The anetheologist did an ACE job

What is a pump head? :)
Hi JulieS

Some folks develop short term memory loss and reduced reasoning abilities from being on bypass during OHS. Thats my basic understanding of being a pump head.
Thank you! I see.... Do you remember anything at all about your surgery? Did they take you to the OR awake? I would have to say.... why would they do that to people? Then when it is all said and done they wonder why the patient was fighting going under. Maybe that was a fluke and they really don't do that in most cases? :)
Hi JulieS

Work with your surgical team and express your concerns. I really wanted to see the OR and remember it well. Knowing that some surgeons like to work to music, I requested a song to go to sleep by and they played it!

I don't think their are any flukes, these are well rehearsed professionals. They will prepare you for the anesthetic and pending surgery. Follow their lead, ask questions and make your requests to satisfy your concerns. You to will have an excellent experience!
That is so awesome! It sounds like your experience was wonderful! I don't doubt in the least that the place I went to was top notch and boy they know what they are doing. That being my first ever experience with anything in a hospital I was quite shocked, nervous etc because I surely did not expect to go into that OR fully awake and actually climb onto the OR table. UGhhhh... I was not prepared mentally for that ha! They were all very professional, I was scared out of my wits. When I am scared \or nervous I talk and joke a hundred miles an hour. They had their game faces on because there wasn't much joking or even talking. I tried to get some conversations going, my surgeon was very short, the first thing that came to mind while transferring onto this tall table was holy cow how will the doc reach.... So I asked :) They told me he had a stool to stand on. No smiles even, holy cow... So then as I stuttered again I asked if the heart lung machine had the oil changed and gas tank filled.... Yes it is ready to go. Holy cow no smile there either. I think the last straw was when they asked me to tell them what procedure I was there for and I told them my left big toe foot fungus. Could they fix that too... I am quite sure they gave the anesthesia guy 20 bucks extra at that moment to knock me out or try to anyhow.... Next time around I will be asking to be knocked out before going to the OR, that was too much for me to handle the first time. The music request was awesome, I could see where that would help. Thank you for the advise and wishing you the best recovery ever!