Welcome to a new dawn

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Hi Bina, steve, run Martin etc.
I have actually have arrhythmia associated with my left ventricle. The doc said about 33 % of folks develop arrhythmia as others here have said. Since the drain lines are still in (been in for 7 days) some of the nursing staff think the tubes can cause arrythmia. I was also diagnosed pre op with a Blocked bundle branch. The docs said this is not a cause for Concern and that I may have had it my whole life. The Docs are confident that the meds will correct the arrhythmia.
Hey Jim

Valve opening @ surgery was .5. Diagnosed Oct 14 at .6.
Mean Ava pre and post surgery across the Av was 42/52 and 4/6. Now that's a change!

You always have a talk with the gas man. I accepted what they reccommended. They did the epidural. I went down while Pink Floyd was singing I am feeling comfortably num.
Ahhh home ALONE at last. Finally sent my Mom home who spent the last 3 days looking out for me. It's snowing like 20 plus cm's today. When I got out for my morning walk I think it finally clicked I do not need day care. It was actually more work having my mom here, as I was the one running the floor duster and doing the majority dishes. All I need is a lift a few days a week for INR checks, Dr appt.'s and groceries. Other then that, I can handle myself. Man I hope I do not slip on the ice! Peace and quiet with lots of me time, just chilling. Kind of bizarre for a type A jock boy!

I'll be two weeks post op on Apr 4. Feeling better day by day. Accomplishing two walks a day of 30 plus min for a combined total of 60 min.

So far I'm really happy with my On-X heart valve. I feel so sorry for you folks that got a noise maker. I know Bina is comfy with her St Jude Regent. Excellent! I was chatting with one of our members who said his Regent sounds like a BBQ starter but is quieting down over time. Another member, robthatsme said his SJM was quieter then his On-X. Go figure, is it really body acoustics. As for me the sound of my On-X is very rarely noticeable and only makes a thud thud sound when noticeable.

The surgeon placed my INR range from 2.0-3.0. Once the On-X proact study is digested, I have a chance of having it lowered to 1.5 to 2.0! Got my fingers crossed. Warfarin dosed at 4mg/day.

The atrial fib that I developed after surgery has been contained and I should be off the Amiodarone within 3 months. My Metoprolol went from 25 mg twice a day pre surgery to 100 mg twice a day post surgery. Also was placed on a blood px med, Enalapril for the first time in my life. Hope these meds get cut back or eliminated as well. Oh yea also taking 81 mg baby aspirin.

I have high hopes for the future of my 23mm On-X AV. Hard to believe I have gone from a .5 cm opening to a 2.3 cm opening of the AV and px gradient of 46-55 pre surgery to 4-6 post surgery. Looking fwd to putting this baby to the test after rehab. Swim, bike, run should be a blast along snow skiing next winter.

I'm very glad I worked my butt off to bring the valve to cow town and find a surgeon who was willing to play. He commented that in the sewing cuff, their were even recesses for the plegits. I see the cardiologist on Apr 14. It will be cool to see if the echocardiogram shows the On-X to be as laminar or turbulent free as their web site shows.

Feeling stronger every day. Just hope I don't do anything to set me back or get a cold. Ouch!

Pretending I do not have arms. Standing up slow cause I get dizzy.

Welcome to the other side of the mountain....very sorry to hear, you have hit a few bumps in the road to recovery, but have to tell you....you sound great ( brave) and right on top of all the issues. Your my newest HERO !!!! Sending positive caring thoughts and well wishes your way !!! ( I'll keep a ice cold beer on hold, for the conquering hero!)
Go Team 2011 !!!!
Hey Natina13

It's nice to hold hands with you on this side of the mountain.

All my buds are out ripping it up in Banff in a 25cm dump. The dog's! Choking on Pow and guzzling a cold one sounds fun at the end of an epic day. As for me I am going to bundle up and walk in the tire tracks in my snow boots. When I get home I'm having a glass of water and 4mg of Warfarin. Hmmmm life just ain't fair, but at least I got a new dawn!
Actually, Bdryer... life is fair because you know what? You got a second chance! Think of all the terminal diagnosis' out there...

Life is full of bumps and I tell you, it's good to have a fixable problem! You sound like you are doing well...

Take care and rest rest rest!!! :thumbup:
Wow! I'm jealous. . .

I'm not really back on my own yet - at almost 5 weeks. But I have hit many snags, and my wife is going back to work on Monday. I may be able to go back part time soon, too.

Good for you!
Bruce, you may find that soon enough you will be able to taper down the Metoprolol dose, after you discuss it
with your doctor of course. The dizzy spells should subside then. In the meantime move slow and don't be shy
to lie down near a phone if you don't feel very well. My home nurse called 911 when my BP
did the crash thing....a bumpy crazy ambulance ride will get that BP up nice and high real quick. LOL ;)

You stop messing around and go get your choice of heart valve implanted. The heart has to work waaaay to hard when the AV is narrowed. Your right, It's great to have my second chance!


Great to here from you, be strong. In away I'm glad my chest had to be split cause it sure as heck slows ya down. No fear of going hard.

Hi Bina

Standing up and experiencing the dizzy spells has put me closer to passing out then when I was doing easy athletics with an AV at .5. Got the phone jammed in the pocket of my house coat! Managed to avoid the 911 limo pre surgery, lets hope I can do the same post surgery.

Metoprolol is the #1 heart med of surgeons. During the AM rounds the docs kept > the dose for their patients. Here I am, loaded for Bear! I wonder, is it the cardiologist or surgeon who makes the call on the meds. My cardiologist never prescribed anything.
Dizzy spells have been my enemy for many years.....I'm a bit sensitive to begin with.
An episode of SVT had my surgeon giving me Sotalol, and a single dose did the job,
but after I complained about my HB being much too
forceful, he gave me Metoprolol 50 mg per dose which almost floored me because I was so weak.
I asked him for a reduction and did much better. My cardio won't prescribe any meds.
Now I adjust my own Meto a tiny bit as needed and my GP is fine with it.

I won't be afraid to ask for an adjustment of the meds, thx to you! Proves that if you aren't feeling right, make a stand, as for now being nary 2 weeks post surgery, I'll take my meds as prescribed.

Dealing with the anticoagulant clinic, it's really a shame that after training for home testing we can't simply start self testing and give them the results. No instead they want a vein puncture! Take pity on my track marked arms.
Yes, take your meds. I always marked down my dosages on a calendar and bought a BP machine. Docs like it when
you can give them numbers.
And I had those vein draws for 18 months before coming here and Ross and the VR gang taught me about home monitors.
Your time will come !
Hey Renee

I just reread you post and if you want to know, an ice cold beer in California sounds EXCELLENT! But right now, my eyes are getting heavy and my nightly dosage of Metoprolol is calling. It's like what in MDT 20:00 hrs?! Jeeze I'm back in my second child hood. Going for dinner at the neighbors tomorrow night. They may have to carry me home if it drags on, cause if it does, I'll be snuggling on the couch with a throw down pillow pressed against my sternum.
Way to go, BD! You worked for it, and you got it, and I guess it was worth waiting for the Alberta/Calgary health-care system to find an opening, too! Keep healing!
Hi Norm

Thanks for all your research and guidance! Glad to hear you had a great 2nd ski trip!
Bruce, let me know if you need me to come over and shovel. The blisters on my hands from shovelling are nothing compared to what you are going through. Hang in there buddy! If you need me to drop anything by let me know.
Hi Jumpy

Thx for the offer, the neighbors did my walks and then invited me over for supper! Score!!!!! Does a YQQ guy even own a snow shovel?

Thx for the offer of help.

So far the rehab is going great, except I'm down 8 lbs and look fatter then pre surgery? What's with that? I look like a top contestant in a hot dog eating competition. Peeeeuuuke? I don't get it, as I'm not even consuming a beer and calories are cut way back.