I know it's bad...13 dead in Phoenix from Heat Wave.
It's crazy here in Georgia..I know when it is between 5 P.M. and 6 P.M....We have had horrible thunderstorms that come from nowhere.
This has been every evening for last 2 weeks.. Sun will be shining..people around the pool, ect..and then BAM.Loud thunder, lighting and rain. Last for about an hour. Had a LOUD thunder about 15 minutes ago.Lights went off..came back on. T.V. dryer and computer shut off..What's funny..We have a T.V. in Living room that is off. but it comes on when power comes back..Like a ghost.
Son's neighborhood has been without telephone for over a week (Lighting) but their satalite (sp) works and it is connected to phone.
Saw a construction worker yesterday on side of road..Heat stroke? Firetrucks, ambulances, ect...Now, sun is back out
Only good thing..we have not had to water flowers, ect..
..Tell how your weather is doing? Bonnie