Weather or Not

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
Ok...Here is a nagging question that my honey and I disagree on the answer.

Q. If the weather outside is 34* and the real feel is 30*
Will water in a 2" pipe freeze?

Right or wrong is not the objective. It's just finally knowing the answer.

Well...I lied...I want to be able to prove I'm correct.

I say real feel is only a temp that affects living creatures. Therefore...NO!
I live in the south. our weatherman says that for pipes to freeze the temp needs to be 32 or below for at least six hours. However, our outside pipes are metal, not pvc, and it takes longer for them to freeze than pvc.
Both Wind Chill values and Heat Index values are estimates of how wind or humidity affect the human body. Wind produces a cooling affect by removing heat from the skin (wind chill). Although wind can speed up the rate of does not cause inanimate objects to cool below the actual temperature. Similarly, high humidity affects the bodies ability to sweat and hence to cool itself. again produces no affect on the actual temperature of an inanimate object.

One thing neither one takes in to direct sunshine. Direct sunshine transmits heat to any object in the sun...whether animate or inanimate. That is why official temperature readings are shaded from the sun and well vented.

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