This is what ol' BionicBob (my former self

) posted on February 1 last year, as he faced pre-op on a red Valentine's Day and OHS on the 16th. To think, I may have had one flash of insight almost equaling what Tobagotwo dispenses daily.

As far as those cantankerous posts, you'll just have to keep guessing about them. I'm sure I vaporized them into the cyber never-never land -- and I'll never tell.
Here goes, retrieved from the archives:
It would help so much in making this momentous decision if we had a crystal ball, wouldn't it?
If I get a tissue valve, it will last (or won't) 15 to 20 years. I won't live any longer than that (or I will) and so that will take care of me fine. Or I will be around at 80 and subject to a VR for the tissue but medical technology will be so advanced by then, it won't require invasive surgery (or it will). If I get a tissue valve, won't have to have coumadin more than 3 months, which is the norm (or I'll be the exception and have to have it longer).
If I get a mechanical valve, regulation of the thinners won't be a problem (or it will be a pain), and the mix will never get out of whack (or it will, and cause clots or bleeding). The ticking sound won't bother me, even though I am a light sleeper (or it will drive me crackers). The mechanical valve will last forever (or I'll have some sort of accident, and it won't after all). I won't ever be far from a clinic and so will be able to keep the coumadin nicely regulated (or I'll be far away from one, in Timbuktu or somewhere, and too klutzy to do the self-regulating).
I want to go for quality of life. No, I want to go for quantity of life.
I am not trying to be flippant. You have given me a lot to think about. I am going to call my surgeon's office tomorrow morning and see if I can get one more session with him to discuss more fully the options. He mentioned a stentless bioprosthesis that does the Bentall in one seamless piece, as I understand it. (But I don't understand, really.)
This is an awfully big decision. Where is Solomon when you need him?
Thanks for your concern and advice.