We Lost Our Oldest Cat Yesterday.

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Sorry that I wasn't around much yesterday. I awoke to my King Cat of 11 or so years, in severe respiratory distress. We took him to the nearest Emergency Vet Hospital and they found that he had a condition called, "Pyothorax" which is pus in the chest cavity. A lot like pneumonia or more dangerous. The cause is unknown, though I believe he got from an abcessed or missing tooth. I've got the X-ray of his chest and his lungs are collapsed and floating on top of all the bacteria and fluid. I couldn't stand seeing him suffer. I know what that type of pain and breathlessness is like. I decided to put him to sleep. His case was so advanced, that the mere entering of chest tubes may have killed him. In fact, he collapsed as they tried to get the Xray and had to be rushed back to the oxygen cell.

It sucks. In 2 days time, he went from healthy to critically ill.

I now share in the loss of a dearly loved pet. I'll miss him much.
Perhaps that is why my wife found the kitten at the laundromat 2 weeks ago. Maybe God was providing a replacement early?

Life is strange sometimes. :(
I'm so sorry at the loss of your wonderful cat. When it happens suddenly like that, it's very hard to get over.

They really do become like children. I've had many pets over the years and I remember all of them well.

You gave much love to this little friend and he had a happy life. You did the right thing.

"Rainbow Bridge:

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown... "
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So sorry Dear Ross

So sorry Dear Ross

You did the right thing by not letting him suffer..I look at my K.C. age 10 1/2 laying on kitchen counter (not where food is) everyday. I had to declaw her when we built a house on the lake 9 years ago with lots of wood bannisters, ect. Lots of money and I knew she would scratch them..so she has just laid around, slep, ate, slep, ate..traveled all over U>S> in our motorhome with us...Loves it. I don't take her to Vet. Just feed her good food. I expect soon to see her come down with something..Usually kidneys first in older cats. but then we had a cat that lived 20 years and died peacefully in a straw basket at home. Sorry for your loss...Bonnie
My Condolences

My Condolences

Ross, my sincere condolences on the loss of your cat. I can completely relate, having just lost "Ace" a year ago. He'd been with me for 15 years.

It gets easier, just give yourself time and remember the good times with him.
Hi Ross, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved cat. I too, have a cat...She's the same age as me, She'll be 19 later this month. I was going to post the Rainbow Bridge but I see Nancy got there first. Again I'm sorry and I agree God works in strange ways and your new kitty, Taz will be there to comfort you. Take care.
Ross, so sorry for the loss of your beloved King cat.
Four cats have the run of my house and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am such a devoted cat lover , and I dearly love them all They are very spoiled, but at least cats don't talk back. They give me the unconditional love every day.
Ralph is 16 and the rest of the cats are 11. I have kept them indoors all these years, and they are fed the best food I can buy at the veterinarian clinic.
I have had cats all of my adult life and I couldn't see me go without. It deeply hurts when you have to put one to sleep, so I know what your family is feeling right now. I've been there, and done that. The last one in 1991 nearly did me in, and Nancy is right when she said they become like our children and when you lose one it feels like you've lost a family member.
Know that I am thinking of you and yours.


AVR's 8/7?00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ
Ross, I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.

My oldest cat Nella, MY Black kitty, has been battling a urinary tract infection for the last 2 weeks. I'm giving her antibiotics. She had a relapse and if we don't see an improvement I will have to take her in for an xray and do a urine test. I think she is 8 now. I lost count. My yougest son was in kindergarten when we found her. He is in the 8th grade now.
Our new kitty pookie is fine. The other 2 cats still aren't happy that he has joined the family.

Yes they are like our babies. They are dependant on us and give us alot of unconditional love.
I know exactly how you feel. About 2 years ago, I had to put my kitty Garfield to sleep, he was 13 and started losing alot of weight, they found out he had kidney failure. I cried at least once a day for about 2 weeks straight. I have 3 other cats indoors right now, my oldest is 13, I hope she has a few more years left.

Pets give unconditional love and are always ready to give a furry shoulder to cry on.

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. Pets are not just pets, they are definately part of the family. I have two dogs and one cat and I would be absolutely crushed if I lost any of them. My cat is about 10 years old. She was a stray we took in. My one dog is 9 years old and my other dog is 5 years old. Losing a loved one is never easy, but I'm glad that you now have Taz in your life.

Take Care!
I've had many cats and each was special and dear. Perhaps some of the 8 cats who have left me will be at the Rainbow Bridge to welcome King Cat. The following poem is for you.


I will lend a cat to you
for awhile, God said.
For you to love him while he lives,
and mourn him when he's dead.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years,
or maybe two or three.
But will you, till I call him back
take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you;
and should his stay be brief,
you'll always have his memories,
as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay,
since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught below
I want this cat to learn.

I've looked the whole world over
in search of teachers true.
And from the folk that crowd life's land,
I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love,
nor think the labor vain
nor hate me when I come to take
my cat back again?

We'll shelter him with tenderness,
we'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known,
forever grateful stay.

But should you call him back
much sooner than we'd planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
and try to understand.

When our faithful bundle
departs this world of strife,
we'll have yet another cat,
and love her all her life.

{Author Unknown}
I thank all of you.

I've copied and put in word, "Lend Me A Cat" and "Rainbow Bridge". My wife is taking this very hard. I have to admit, he took a piece of our hearts with him, but we have many good memories.
He used to sit in a lawn chair beside my wife while she entertained herself with a little fire outside. It was commical, but he did everything with her. I know she'll miss his greetings when she comes home from work. He liked to sit and wait for her to pull up the driveway and run to her truck telling her stories about whatever it is he liked to tell her about.

My heart goes out to you and your wife. I have two cats and have lost meny over the years. Every time I have to put one down a piece of me dies with them. I will never forget the ones that god left with me to care for. Each time god leads me to another, I feel blessed. They are my fur lined hot water bottles. Pour out your emotions to this new one. This little one although younge, will know what to do to make you feel better. Know that your friend that has passed, will always be with you. All you need to do is close your eyes, and the kitty will be there. martha
I sent along instructions to Nephrititi, Mehitabel and Nutsy to look out for King Cat. They will take very good care of him. It is truly painful to lose a precious family member after so many years. The above three were mother, daughter, granddaughter and died at ages 16, 15, 14. You have my sincere thoughts about your beloved kitten - he won't be replaced. But, as you say, you have been provided for already. You all must live good lives. God bless
Ross, everyone else said it for me, but please know I too understand the loss of a pet...they give us so much, but leave way too early.
Ross and family
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved King. I know how devistating it is to lose a pet so quickly. We lost our cat Ms. Kitty to diabetes that way.

But, all pets go to heaven.

I thank all of you for your condolences.

I'm having a problem with whether I did the right thing or not. In my heart, I feel I did. They said he was considered guarded and in severe distress, but the nagging question remains in my mind-If we had the money for the hospitalization and such, would he have made it? I hate second guessing myself. There is no way we could have paid for all the treatment he needed. Why does money always have to be an issue in health related matters, be it man or animal? :confused:
Dear Ross-

You did the right thing. Our little animal friends/children don't have as long a lifespan as we do and they can get very sick sooner than we would ever imagine. When an animal is that sick multiple organ failure often follows and what you would have to put a little animal through is not something you would want to do. And the pet would pass away anyway and possibly in pain.

So King can meet my own pets from my whole life, some of whom died peacefully at home, and some whom we've had to euthanize:

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I called him my King Kitty because he was the oldest and the ruler of the house. His real name was Gremmy. Still hard to believe that in 2 days time he became that ill.
Rossman.....you DEFINITELY did the right thing---did you have another course of action? What was the prognosis if you had done surgery? Never second guess yourself, you were absolutely right doing what you did, you prevented him from suffering longer and he will always be grateful to you for that. Hope you got my email about Gremmy.
