Just a really quick note. We are safe. Thank you for all of your prayers, thoughts, concerns etc. They were very much appreciated.
We do not appear to have any damage to our home and both of our sons who have homes here as well are safe and no apparent damage.
Cooker thank you for checking on us this morning and for updating everyone. It's was such a warm, wonderful feeling to have the VR family's support.
This storm was not nearly as bad as we expected but certainly bad enough. our neighbors who stayed behind said it was certainly rough. We now have power.
Praline: Be safe coming home and I do hope you find your home in as good a condition as we did ours.
I heard Phillip was OK as well not sure about Darlene.
Again many many thanks and I will be back on soon
We do not appear to have any damage to our home and both of our sons who have homes here as well are safe and no apparent damage.
Cooker thank you for checking on us this morning and for updating everyone. It's was such a warm, wonderful feeling to have the VR family's support.
This storm was not nearly as bad as we expected but certainly bad enough. our neighbors who stayed behind said it was certainly rough. We now have power.
Praline: Be safe coming home and I do hope you find your home in as good a condition as we did ours.
I heard Phillip was OK as well not sure about Darlene.
Again many many thanks and I will be back on soon