Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
the model would predict somewhere between 1.8 ~ 2.1Clinic INR test Tuesday
my bet is placed.
the model would predict somewhere between 1.8 ~ 2.1Clinic INR test Tuesday
nice photoshop there, I both applaud and approve ;-)
OK. You mentioned Mickey Langelo. Completely off topic - another annoyance for this verbal curmudgeon -- Leonardo Da Vinci. His name was Leonardo. He came from Vinci. I've heard people who should know better acting like 'DaVinci' was his last name. This was used for a promotion on TV for an exhibition at the Reagan Museum (Southern California). Does this bother any of you? Does this have any effect on your INR?
I love how these threads drift away from the mooring
I also happen to likeChange is the essential process of all existence
I also happen to like
View attachment 890263
I think it took a lot of training to get there ... I've seen people get there.A lot easier for Vulcans than human methinks though.