VR.Com "Bachelor"

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Ok people,

Cort (Knightfan) says he wants to be our VR.com Bachelor. I have already introduced him (at least online) to Sarah, but he wants to meet more women, so he has a few to choose from.

Sooo... if you can think of anyone who would be a good match for him, let us know on this thread. I'll let him come on and tell you what kind of women he's looking for. Cort is 30 years old and lives in the Chicago area for those of you who don't know.

Good luck Cort! :D
Hey Cort,
So how many miles to you want to put on your girls (his Monte Carlos) in this quest? I hope it all works out for you.

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
*pokes head sheepishly into thread*

Hmmm...not so bad of a start :)

Jean, thank you for the introduction....

Sylvia, ahh...you're too kind...lol

Ross...no no no no no no no.... And, btw, should this be in the Significant Others forum, by chance?

Dave...that kinda depends....let's see how this develops first......

Alrighty.... This started as somewhat of a "joke" at the reunion...talking about people who are single...and "competing" with others...etc. And, the more we talked about it, the more interesting an idea it became....so, here we are....

The Bachelor...VR.COM style :)

*laughs nervously*

My stats:

birthdate...09/19/1973 (yes, you math whizzes, that means I'm...gasp...30!)


weight...125 lbs

hair...brown, straight



Not sure what else to tell ya about me...as ya know most of it already...LOL.

I'm just looking for a special someone to share my life with....

I've only had 1 gf...lasted 10 months and she did the dumping...because, apparently, she wanted to move on...or something like that.


I've been told not to look for someone, because when you don't look...is when you'll find someone. So, I'm not looking. I'm letting ya'll (and some others) do the looking for me :).

No, I'm not "desperate"...far from it. I know, after having gone through so much in the last year or so, that I do not _need_ anyone to be happy. And, yet, well...as several pointed out at the reunion...it'd be nice to have a date or two. Heck, I believe Rain suggested as many as possible...LOL!

Tough to explain, but I'm sure you all get the gist. If ya don't, let me know...

Hmm...believe this is a good start. Any questions, just ask.

Yes, have one on the list already....Sarah, Jean's stepdaughter. Let's get some competition here :)

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
AIM=fc72mc ... YIM=knightfan2691
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB: http://www.faithcob.org
MC's Future: http://www.projectmonte.com/petition/
My MC Family: http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
G1=1970-1972...72...2nd owner
G2=1973-1977...76...2nd owner
G3=1978-1980...79...3rd owner
G4=1981-1988...81...2nd owner
G4=1981-1987...87...2nd owner, daily driver
Ga=1995-1999...97...Dad's "Red Toy"
Gb=2000-200?...00...1st owner, former daily driver, RIP
RIP: '76=Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS
Spotting MCs: http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
yeah, you do have to look, Cort. Once you have looked and located one and then seen 'about town' with her, others come around to check it out. Thereby lies a trail to Cort and doors begin to open where you least expected - but you gotta 'be seen'
Ann speaks the truth, Cort. You can't sit back and let everyone else pick out someone THEY are attracted to. You and you alone know what you are looking for. No one else does. Introductions are certainly helpful, but don't get your hopes up. You have to do the looking. Not many women would be interested in someone who lets everyone else do the work for them. And, heed the advice of "Mama Rain"... date as many or few as you are comfortable with.....have fun, and enjoy meeting new people. There is plenty of time for a serious, perhaps lasting relationship later, when you are ready to make that move. You're only 30 for crying out loud....there's no rule that says you have to be married by then to be happy. Go forth, Cort....see what's out there and although it sounds cliched, BE YOURSELF. It's the most attractive attribute....
Les AVR '93 / '95
*weighing in*

Good for you, Cort, for putting yourself out there!

As a single 30-year-old myself, I would like to weigh in on this. The dating scene - for all of you that have forgotten - is somewhat of a mess!! :cool: Women's lib messed up all of the rules. . .and then you get books like "The Rules" adding to the confusion. They say that the girls can ask the guys out, but personal experience has shown me that while guys are flattered by this, they really want to be the ones initiating. And what is this rule about waiting three days to call after a good date to keep her hanging??? Sheesh. That is as bad as the rule that says girls should be "busy" the first three times a guy asks her out. By that time, any of the guys that I know would be long gone!

Then you get the Internet making it "easy" to find mates and you get guys who shy away from asking you out in person because it is a way more risky proposition - possible rejection is face-to-face, rather than through a less-hurtful email.

*end rant*

On the bright side, the art of flirting is still alive!!! :D And there are more single people than ever looking . . .and getting attached at a later starting age. The way I look at it, things are just getting going. . .
:D :D

Both my dad and my sister got married through people they connected with on the internet. I'll be watching our little experiment with interest! :D

Melissa funny you should bring up the "New Rules" because over at the other forum, there are some really young guys posing dating questions and you hit a couple of the rule things in your post. 3 day wait? What on earth for, if your interested make it known for cryin out loud.

Some of the things these people ask makes me shake my head in disbelief. I hated rejection just like the next person, but be a human and ask in person. Don't play electronic games.

*grumbles in frustration*

GEEZ! I had a whole nice response typed out...and then, when I went to post, it told me I was not "logged in"...when I had logged in before TO reply....aye aye aye.

So, this prolly will not be as good and/or eloquent as I had written previously.........


Ah, well....life goes on, right?

[note to self: Copy text before hitting submit in case the dangblasted forum tells me I'm not logged in again]


OK...now that that is handled..........


*grumbles in confusion*

Hensylee, Les & others:

Other than what you've written, the only reaction I have received when I tell people I'm _looking_ for someone is something to the effect of, 'Why on earth are you looking? Doncha know that when you do not look you are more likely to find?'

I was seen...with my ex for 10 months. Not a long time, mind you, but a long time for me :). In that time, only one other female "noticed" me. And, being the person I am, I didn't just "jump ship" to date her when I was already with someone. Hindsite 20/20, I probably should have (since the ex did the axing)...but, that's just not me. Besides, the gal that noticed me is now happily engaged.... Irony rocks :)

I don't believe I'm "letting" everyone do the work for me. Sure, this is to be "introduced"...but that's all. Heck, I've spoken to Sarah (Jean's step-daughter) and a few others...a few times now :).

Unfortunately (or fortunately...depending on how you look at it), I don't like the idea of "dating around" (i.e. as many people as you can). I spose that is because I'm so ready to settle down that it isn't funny. Plus, I've seen friends get hurt...and, while I'm the strongest person I know (he he he), I'm not sure I could take something like that....I dunno....

I definitely enjoy meeting and getting to know new people...I believe my road trips help show that :). Heck, I tend to be out most nights of the week...at some car function or what have ya....

I know no rule dictates that I be married at age 30, but even I admit, it is frustrating to see all my friends with their significant other (whether married or might-as-well-be married), especially when they tend not to have any time left for me....

Oh, and I am myself...and positive :). Just ask those that attended the VR.COM reunion...which is where this idea developed. Yeah, it was a joke from the beginning....as I mentioned during a discussion of "significant others" that I'd gladly be the first VR.COM Bachelor.... But, the more we talked about it, the more intrigued I became...and, well, here we are....


I appreciate your post. I don't pay attention to those rules...because rules are made to be broken...and they always have exceptions! Heck, with all of the "rejections" I've received (never dated in HS or college because the gals always found some "reason" to not date me), I'd prefer the gal asks me out!

I've looked into the internet scene of dating, but have only heard of bad stories (with your family...and Jean and her hubby being the wonderful exceptions of which I know). Plus, I don't exactly like the idea of "paying" to meet someone....heh...might as well "pay" for something else, too ;). LOL!

I definitely like to flirt...I'm sure those at the reunion might be able to attest to that :). Still, I've never liked "games" very much...of any type when it comes to relationships...partly because of the "rejections"...and partly because I've seen friends get hurt by 'em....

And, Ross...glad I am unfamiliar with those rules...I don't think I'd like 'em anyway ;). And, btw, in person meetings are always the best.... :)
Helo Cort,
just want to give you some "props" on sticking yourself out in this dating world. In my opinion, there are no rules in dating.Thats what makes it so fun and interesting ,making it up as you go along,and having some fun doing it.
Just wanted to add a thought in here I dont do alot of respoding ,because iam kinda shy, but the computer helps me.
We have a birthday in the same month mine is on sept.21st and i was born in "75" . I hope that you can have some fun with this,dont take any of the negativity,I believe if your ready to find someone,those doors will open.

Hey Nicole,

Thank ya :). Fun is exactly what I intend to have...one of these days ;).

Ah...your bday is 2 days and 2 years after mine (er, I think I did my math correctly...LOL)!

As for the computer helping you, that can be good and bad. It is very good when people are able to come "out of their shell", as I have...in some of my message boards ;). Yet, sometimes, the computer gives a false sense of security....so, just be careful, too :).

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