*grumbles in frustration*
GEEZ! I had a whole nice response typed out...and then, when I went to post, it told me I was not "logged in"...when I had logged in before TO reply....aye aye aye.
So, this prolly will not be as good and/or eloquent as I had written previously.........
Ah, well....life goes on, right?
[note to self: Copy text before hitting submit in case the dangblasted forum tells me I'm not logged in again]
OK...now that that is handled..........
*grumbles in confusion*
Hensylee, Les & others:
Other than what you've written, the only reaction I have received when I tell people I'm _looking_ for someone is something to the effect of, 'Why on earth are you looking? Doncha know that when you do not look you are more likely to find?'
I was seen...with my ex for 10 months. Not a long time, mind you, but a long time for me

. In that time, only one other female "noticed" me. And, being the person I am, I didn't just "jump ship" to date her when I was already with someone. Hindsite 20/20, I probably should have (since the ex did the axing)...but, that's just not me. Besides, the gal that noticed me is now happily engaged.... Irony rocks
I don't believe I'm "letting" everyone do the work for me. Sure, this is to be "introduced"...but that's all. Heck, I've spoken to Sarah (Jean's step-daughter) and a few others...a few times now

Unfortunately (or fortunately...depending on how you look at it), I don't like the idea of "dating around" (i.e. as many people as you can). I spose that is because I'm so ready to settle down that it isn't funny. Plus, I've seen friends get hurt...and, while I'm the strongest person I know (he he he), I'm not sure I could take something like that....I dunno....
I definitely enjoy meeting and getting to know new people...I believe my road trips help show that

. Heck, I tend to be out most nights of the week...at some car function or what have ya....
I know no rule dictates that I be married at age 30, but even I admit, it is frustrating to see all my friends with their significant other (whether married or might-as-well-be married), especially when they tend not to have any time left for me....
Oh, and I am myself...and positive

. Just ask those that attended the VR.COM reunion...which is where this idea developed. Yeah, it was a joke from the beginning....as I mentioned during a discussion of "significant others" that I'd gladly be the first VR.COM Bachelor.... But, the more we talked about it, the more intrigued I became...and, well, here we are....
I appreciate your post. I don't pay attention to those rules...because rules are made to be broken...and they always have exceptions! Heck, with all of the "rejections" I've received (never dated in HS or college because the gals always found some "reason" to not date me), I'd prefer the gal asks me out!
I've looked into the internet scene of dating, but have only heard of bad stories (with your family...and Jean and her hubby being the wonderful exceptions of which I know). Plus, I don't exactly like the idea of "paying" to meet someone....heh...might as well "pay" for something else, too

. LOL!
I definitely like to flirt...I'm sure those at the reunion might be able to attest to that

. Still, I've never liked "games" very much...of any type when it comes to relationships...partly because of the "rejections"...and partly because I've seen friends get hurt by 'em....
And, Ross...glad I am unfamiliar with those rules...I don't think I'd like 'em anyway

. And, btw, in person meetings are always the best....