VR.com Anonymous Meetings

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Now how do you think I felt with everyone writing, calling and so forth wanting to know what was up? If Hank hadn't written me back at 1:30pm, I might have had to get medievil and CALL HIM! :eek:
Oh GOSH!...I'm glad I didnt try to log-on in the last day or two (hubby had hi-jacked my internet cable :mad: )...

I do hope Ross and Hank have this joint "backed-up" and saved somewhere safe so that in the event of a total melt-down we dont lose all our past and present posts etc...it happened on another site I used to hangout at(before I found VR.com) and it was such a massive loss for thousands of users, all their data was totally lost into cyberspace forever :(
another user stumblin in. I have been lost in space, been in valleys, mountains, woods, trying to find my way home. Somebody turned out the light that we always leave on. I have scrapes and black eyes, dirt all over, and broken fingernails. I am bloody but unbowed and will recover eventually. Our moderator and owner must feel drunk with power!
hensylee said:
another user stumblin in. I have been lost in space, been in valleys, mountains, woods, trying to find my way home. Somebody turned out the light that we always leave on. I have scrapes and black eyes, dirt all over, and broken fingernails. I am bloody but unbowed and will recover eventually. Our moderator and owner must feel drunk with power!

Ann....come on it, take your coat off and have a cup of coffee.......you are in the right place.......

And if they let the light go out again I will come pick you up and we will both go and slap the crap out of them:D :p :D
Cort: Good Point!

I immediately checked all my other forums etc and the compputer worked fine, so I knew that wasn't the problem. That was on Friday night.

On Saturday after trying again & again, I like I guess many, many others, wrote to Ross! He replied that he had notifed the others in charge, and it appeared the forum was having a identity crisis! I wrote back and said, I too am having a identity crisis after this past week, so I could relate!:D

Yeah, in spite of normally not being able to post a lot because of my long hours working and always on the go on weekends, I too am a vr.com junkie. I would check in to see what was going on. It was driving me crazy that now that I was having time to post, I couldn't get on. I too was lost, but now I'm found! Glad it's up and running.
It would be wise to consider a regular reboot time for the server, probably to happen monthly, early on a Sunday morning. Servers run much cleaner when they have periodic reboots. Might consider a system backup at that time, as well. This might be a difficult to recreate, if not in its skeleton, certainly in its content.

Best wishes,
after a morning of thanking God in church, an afternoon nap to recoup, and promises from Cooker to rescue, I am up and ready to go. Comin home is the best part of goin away.

You know this has not ever happened in VR history. There have been a few times I couldn't get in for a short short, but I believe it was my server, not VR. That's pretty amazing.
hensylee said:
another user stumblin in. I have been lost in space, been in valleys, mountains, woods, trying to find my way home. Somebody turned out the light that we always leave on. I have scrapes and black eyes, dirt all over, and broken fingernails. I am bloody but unbowed and will recover eventually. Our moderator and owner must feel drunk with power!


Have you ever considered writing a novel? I think you're onto something. "Lost In VR.com Space"?
actually, I have. I discovered in 7th grade I love writing and people laughed at what I wrote - in school. Surprised me all to pieces, but a nice surprise. We had to write and then read to class. I wrote a short story when my son was small, sent it to our local editor and he called me in to critique it but I didn't go. Too bashful.

I have a first cousin who is published, novels and short stories, an editor of one of the large newspapers in Baltimore and Clearwater. Must be some drama in the souls of our family members. His name is Ray Jenkins.

I can write - just don't ask me to talk (to a group).

probably if I took all my posts in VR that could be my 'lost in VR com space'.
hensylee said:
I wrote a short story when my son was small, sent it to our local editor and he called me in to critique it but I didn't go. Too bashful.

Ohhh...you shoulda GONE!!!! he he.

I had the experience of being critique by one of my favorite columnists for the local Elgin paper back when I was in college. When I got my internship at that paper, he suggested we meet. Unfortunately, his schedule never allowed for that ... and, sadly, he died a few months later. So, I treasure (not sure if that is the 100% correct word there, but it's close enough that you get the idea, anyway) the letters I have from him ... and the conversations we had over the phone while I was at that newspaper.

hensylee said:
I have a first cousin who is published, novels and short stories, an editor of one of the large newspapers in Baltimore and Clearwater. Must be some drama in the souls of our family members. His name is Ray Jenkins.

*raises eyebrow*

Hmmm....perhaps I should talk to him ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Time is a friend" ... Reba McEntire ... 'Is There Life Out There?'
Server Reboots

Server Reboots


With Windows - Absolutely - Reboots are a must.

But our server is linux based and it typically can run for many months if not years.

It is a trusty machine and I believe the problem was caused by a 3rd party app and not the OS or the machine itself.
Wow. Glad I missed all the excitement. I was out of town without computer from thursday thru late sunday.

I remember once my computer was being stubborn and would not connect to VR.com. I kept trying different things on my computer but no luck. I became frantic!!! I literally started hyperventilating, thinking, what if everyone is gone!!! I finally just said to myself...no way.....Hank and Ross would never let that happen. They are my heroes! They will come to the rescue! So I just waited a few hours and came back and things were normal again. Whew!!

Anyway, thank you Hank for taking care of everything. You've created quite a place here!! We love it!!

:) Marguerite

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