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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
I have just returned home from a dental check. This was a follow-up from me having some treatment some months ago, the second stage plus a routine check.

How reassuring it was when he asked me if I have any antibiotics at home as he wanted me to take 3 grams of Amoxillin an hour before he sees me next time. I didn't need to remind him at all.

He went on to say the guidelines about prophylactics had been changed and that 'low risk' people no longer needed antibiotic cover but high risk people need it for just about everything. He then said I was the highest risk patient he had ever had. Poor man. :)

I will have confidence in this man in the future, he wasn't my regular dentist who will be retiring shortly. The regular one is very good too and needs no reminding about antibiotic cover. This is a partner whom I had to see as an emergency late last year. Excellent.
It sure is nice to have a dentist that you like and who is efficient.

I used to take the big dose of Amoxillin also, but for the last few years my dentist said I could take 300mg of Clindamycine 1 hour before the visit.

I may need to change dentists, and I hate to do that, so I will see what the new one says....
I know mine said they no longer medicate for anything but teeth cleening, which doesn't make a great deal of sense to me, but I guess those are the new guidelines. He gave me a prescript for the antibiotics anyway.
Mine had said that when they scrape right under the gums and then dig around for the crud embedded between the teeth, that is where the dangerous mix of bacteria and blood occurs. Yummy.
Sue, so glad you are feeling confident about your dentist's understanding. Looks like he makes an effort to keep current.
I had a dental appointment not long after my surgery. I assumed a simple cleaning was no big deal so I went to the appointment without taking any antibiotics. They promptly refused to clean my teeth, phoned in a prescription to my pharmacy, and rescheduled the appointment. It was frustrating but I'm glad they were more on top of it than I was.:eek:
Last week..I went with my Hubby to get his new denture..They had called that his was ready..this was on a Monday and I was due to go back on Tuesday to get my real crown...they told me..Monday..yours is ready, too. I told Dentist, I had not medicated. he said, not to worry....You will not need any pain needle(numbness) for me to loosen your false crown and put in the New real's only when I have to punture someone on coumadin..Like with needle?(for numbness), I went with him..sure enough..didn't feel him take the false crown out or put the new one in with his finger.Just felt pressure..I asked him..or you sure the new crown will not fall out:D He laughed and's why I am such a great dentist.:p .......Yes, I was very learly about not being medicated....but understand a little more..No punture, no risk of bleeding, no amox.He has been my dentist for 5 I am sure I could trust him..Bonnie
I still take the mega dose of Amoxicillin, better safe than sorry.
My current dentist supplies it to us, he feels it is cheaper and easier for him. He doesn't have to take the time to write a scrip or call it in. So I said OK with me.:D
One thing I didn't know until last year, is people who have had joint replacement such as knees, hips, etc should be pre-medicated for dental work.