Vision problems post-op?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
pittsburgh, pa
Hi everyone! I had AVR in November, and today was my first post-op echo. Aside from what I called post-traumatic stress syndrome (feeling vulnerable and helpless like I did before surgery), it all went well, and my valve seems to be working fine. Yay!!! But I told my cardio about these visual auras I have been seeing--zigzags and wavy lines that last 5-10 minutes, and then they just go away. I didn't have them for a few weeks and then just had two this week. I also had one episode of gradually losing vision in one eye for about 5 minutes. He seemed to get pretty concerned and wanted me to have a neuro workup with brain CT or MRI. I'm just so tired of doctors and tests and I really don't want to do anything more unless it's absolutely necessary. I seem to remember several of you talking about having vision problems. Did any of your problems turn out to be serious or have a neurological basis? I'd appreciate any input. Thanks.
I had exactly what you are describing and they were just part of my migraines which were really awful for the first couple of months after surgery. I didn't always have the headache, sometimes just the visual aura and I could have more than one in a day. My neurologist just thought it was from all of the drugs and the stress of the surgery itself. Eventually, they subsided and now they are not a problem at all.

I've noticed my glasses aren't helping as much as they did. I don't have the auro, but everything is very blurry.

Since I have a pacemaker I can't do MRIs.

I have a small nodule on my pituitary gland, but I'm not about to go through anything else right now.
I have a pixelized field of vision sometimes, especially after running a few miles. Had it more often closer to surgery, now maybe only once a month and also much shorter (5-10 mins). No link to migraine.

Nancy, Welcome to the club. This is a very common topic here. I had a definite spike in these after surgery. It lessened over time, but I still get them. I even talked about it with a friend that's a neurologist because so many here have this experience. We should set up a poll to find out how many of us actually suffer from this. All the best, Brian
MANY of our members have experienced various types of "Visual Effects" following OHS.

Most have been examined by various Doctors including PCP's, Cardiologists, and Opthomologists all of whom 'found nothing'.

There has been speculation of TIA's, very often "Visual Migraines", and even "mini-clots" sometimes.

The usual recommendation is to raise the INR slightly (typically 0.5 units) and take an 81 mg Aspirin.

Wheneven I experience a "Visual Effect" (often jagged white lines), I chew either 1/2 or a full 325 mg plain Aspirin (with my Cardiologist's blessing). The "Effect" usually disappears within 20 minutes (even without the aspirin).

Disclaimer: I am NOT a Medical Professional. Check with your Doctor before implementing any changes to your medical regimen.
I had, ever since I can remember, exactly what you are describing. I see a half moon in a zig-zag design. They last for about 20 minutes. I am lucky, I do not get pain with mine. They were diagnosed as migrains. I have not had one since AVR. Best of luck to you.
I had vision anomolies (sparks, flashing lines, etc.) almost daily for several months post-op. Like you, I also had an instance where I completely lost vision in my left eye for 5-10 minutes. VERY scary, but it obviously ended up being nothing.

I actually just had spots last week for the first time in several months. Caught me off guard, but it certainly brought back some old memories.
yes! i have had this same thing for over 10 years now! it comes and go- it was worse right before and after surgery.. I had every known vision/brain exam known to man-twice! and the only thing they could come up with was it was like a migraine but with no headache--i tried some migraine meds but they didnt really help..also went off birth control pills and that helped too... but ive always been convinced its heart do we get things like these into the eyes of the research drs?!
Vision Problem

Vision Problem

Hi everyone! I had AVR in November, and today was my first post-op echo. Aside from what I called post-traumatic stress syndrome (feeling vulnerable and helpless like I did before surgery), it all went well, and my valve seems to be working fine. Yay!!! But I told my cardio about these visual auras I have been seeing--zigzags and wavy lines that last 5-10 minutes, and then they just go away. I didn't have them for a few weeks and then just had two this week. I also had one episode of gradually losing vision in one eye for about 5 minutes. He seemed to get pretty concerned and wanted me to have a neuro workup with brain CT or MRI. I'm just so tired of doctors and tests and I really don't want to do anything more unless it's absolutely necessary. I seem to remember several of you talking about having vision problems. Did any of your problems turn out to be serious or have a neurological basis? I'd appreciate any input. Thanks.


I am in India and I do get the same vision problem with zigzag lines....twice or trice in a week since from my surgery(4 years).I was planning to visit eye specialist this week.After reading your problems I feel relaxed,thinking that many people are living with it.

Ocular Migraines (I think I spelled this right).

Had my surgery in October, started getting these about 10 days after surgery. Freaked me out too. Went to the ER. Took a while to figure it out. Water, yep, that's right, just plain old water helps. Stay hidrated. I still get these too, about once every 3 weeks. Sometimes after working out, about an hour later. Sometimes I get these twice in one day. But like everyone has pointed out, they go away in about 20 minutes or so.

My cardio knew what this was right away.

You will be ok.
The zigzag lines, that may also look like scintillating broken glass pieces, or stained glass designs, or have highly reflective edges are usually manifestations of a visual migraine phenomenon called "fortifications," due to its resemblance to an arial picture of a fort. The gradual, partial loss of vision is usually referred to as a curtain effect, and the occasional shapes that temporarily block vision are called scotomas.

Some of the effects were put into simulations that are fairly accurate (as far as they go):

Some people never had them before their surgery, some people never had them after their surgery, and some had them both before and after.

Best wishes,
i got these before surgery, a few times a month. i saw an eye doctor who said i had nothing wrong with my eyes but to record when/where and what i ate before they happen. so i did, and there was nothing i saw that was causing these things. then after surgery, i was getting them a few times a day, which really scared me. then i realized i bet it is because i am dehydrated. so i made sure to drink a lot of fluids and sure enough, they stopped. they are called ocular migraines like someone else posted.

i still get the little electric flashes across my vision once in awhile. i don't know what those are from.
TobaGoTwo - that is a pretty accurate video as far as what these auras look like! Thanks! Now I can explain it better to people. I've had those since I was 12. The first one scared the crap outta me! Malibu, I'll try the hydration thing, as I've been having them more often since surgery. In my case I've always linked them to sleep deprivation. After several days of not getting enough sleep - I get 'em pretty often. And I haven't been sleeping well since surgery. But I'll try the hydration thing - I'm terrible about drinking water - prefer diet pop or milk....
Nice to know what may be causing these. Had them sometimes before OHS but more since and haven't had a Migraine in last 7-8 years had one last week and waking up with headaches. Been drinking more water/snapple seems to help but tough to walk when it's humid.
Migraines & visual trubs for me too

Migraines & visual trubs for me too

I had migraines way before I had OHS...unfortunately the surgery seemed to amplify my migraines to the point that I had one everyday. This included visual auras without the headache, flashing fireflies and in one instance loss of vision in the left eye with the curtain effect. Maybe its a combination of stress, OHS, being on the heart-lung machine and bursts of oxygen to the brain from the new valve. It has been one month since my AVS and the visual problems are going away...still have migraines a few times a week and an occasional flying flash. I'm sure they will dissipate with time. Don't know how these incidents correlate neurologically with the OHS...and I'm sure the doctor's can only guesstimate what is happening. Glad to see I'm not the only one with these trubs! I wish you excellent vision and a rapid recovery. Live life, be healthy and be happy...what else is there!



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I've had ocular migraines since I was a teenager. After having OHS one and a half years ago, I experienced, and still experience, many visual anomalies. I've experienced everything from the seemingly (and shockingly!) common loss of vision in one eye for several minutes, to the 'fireflies', to the 'zigzags', to the aura's, etc. everyone notes on this topic. Again, being familiar with experiencing ocular migraines for many many years of my life, I am quite confident that the other anomalies are NOT specifically dismissible as ocular migraines.

I suppose it is comforting to know that others have experienced these things and I hear few reports of anyone permanently losing vision in conjunction with any of this, but its still concerning that such a large number of us (is it enough to say - the majority? I don't know - again, a poll would be interesting to see!) experience this and there is no answer. I believe the answer we all get of 'ocular migraine' is a result of doctors not being able to diagnose it as anything else, and in the absence of having something else known and published to pin it against, the 'fibromyalgia' of vision problem diagnosis seems to be ocular migraines.

I have also noted an extreme increase in the number of vision 'floaters' I have post-op (they weren't immediately apparent, this happened primarily over the 6 months initially post-op), and I also experience a 'halo' effect around bright lights against a dark background (which certainly was never there before OHS). I've had my eyes checked every which way possible, and the advise I'm given is that my eyes appear to be 100% healthy - most doctors dismiss it as being tired or dry eyes. Laughable, really, but only if it was funny. Not from 'where I see it' - no pun intended.

The best cure I've found is to put my efforts toward the things I enjoy and try and forget about the little hiccups and comparisons to before and after - at least we're here!

I was diagnosed with occular migraines probably about 20+ years back; I actually feel validated by your post because noone could understand what I was talking about. and, yes, I notice them more after my surgery. I used to think it was the way the light hit the eye, but I'm not sure about that. I notice now that I could get them randomly, or I get them when I exert myself (just by going for a walk). I think the hydration idea might be something to look into. Good luck!
I have undergone Aortic Valve Replacement w/ Arch Replacement in 2006.I had a baby in 2005 with out any problem and suddenly doctor came to know about my hear problem and got operated. Now I want to have another baby. My cardiologist says "Why do you want to take risk? .So my question” is it so risky to have second baby with valve?”
I was diagnosed with these occasional occular migranes after my surgery and have experienced the curtain/obscured vision about four times in the 2.5 years since my surgery. I was told that these matters were related to the major surgery that your body endured and may be brought on by changes in your system - like stress, need for food, need for water and just about anything else.

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