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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
I received an email today from the below address. Did not recognize the sender so I deleted it. Guess I am virus paranoid :eek:

Just wanted to make sure someone from the group was not trying to contact me.

[email protected]
I agree, Gina. When in doubt, delete. I have several of the new ones that have tried to get in but I have a virus catcher through my ISP. Even my bro, who has NEVER had one try to get into his mail, has has two in the last two days, but his was also caught. He is highly insulted - as we all are. OUghta take those folks out and ..........well, you know.
It has bombarded me big time!

It has bombarded me big time!

I guess I have to pay the price of owning domain names.

In the past 2 days I have gotten over 2000 emails with virus infected attachments.

They all come addressed to fake email addresses associated with my 3 domain names.

This virus propogates itself by finding a domain and making up email addresses and sending them out with itself as an attachment.

Like this

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

and so on and so forth - with every imaginable name in between.

Since none of those email addresses actially exist, they all get forwarded to the domains default email address. And I am the lucky one!!

Oh-well, another price I pay for web stardom I guess.

Luckily, I maintain strict anti-virus definition files and each and every single one of these was caught and promptly killed by my anti-virus software.

Our hosting company assures me that the source files for the site are clean and that they have the strictest scanning technology in the world active and on the watch 24/7.

Anyway - just a note...
They got me!

They got me!

Someone got a hold of my old e-mail address. ATTBI changed to comcast but the mail is still being forwarded until the end of the year. Yesterday I started getting e-mails back from system administrators kicking mail back to me saying it had a worm. (that I did not send by the way)

So, if anyone gets anything from me from this account [email protected] please do not open.

That account is not even accessible to me as it was converted to comcast, but somehow someone got to use it.

If anyone gets mail from my comcast account it is safe.

I did run my updated anti virus software several times yesterday just to make sure I was safe. My computer seems to be clean.......:)
My word Gisele! Maybe this is something I can expect shortly too:mad:

I am on DSL. Ameritech. They were purchased by SBC Yahoo and the rumor is they will be converting the "former" Ameritech.Neters to SBCGlobal.Net.
I just feel badly for all those poor people out there getting an e-mail from my address and getting infected from this worm.

I just don't get why anyone would spend their time being so destructive.
Guess they need to "get a life" Or a real day job:eek:

How are you feeling BTW Gisele? Hope you are getting stronger every day:)
Feeling pretty good, thanks. I resumed my gym membership this past week. That really felt good to be able to go back and workout. I will say, it is tougher to do when you've been away from it for a while.

So, cardiac wise I think I am right on schedule. Post subdural and CVA I have some damage that will probably remain with me. I am going for an MRI on Monday. My stroke doesn't show up any longer on my CT scans, so I am not sure if it will show up on an MRI. Guess they just want to count the brain cells that are
Hank - lucky you - all those e-mails.

I've been lucky so far. I'm not opening ANYTHING I don't know really well.

Gisele - it's so good to hear that you're living a normal life. Here's a cyber hug for getting such a huge mess resolved. :)

I'd report your old e-mail address to Comcast. Most internet service providers that support e-mail have an "abuse" mail address for doing just that. In your case, I'd send to "[email protected]" and to "abuse@..." whatever your new Comcast domain name is (


I've been getting a raft of strange e-mail myself, and a lot of it is "invalid address" bounce-type messages from places unknown with the original message containing an attachment that was deleted because it tripped a virus detector. What kind of stuff are you seeing?

This gives the phrase "opening a can of worms" a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

Shameless plug for one's own employer: Computer Associates, in cooperation with Microsoft, is offering it's eTrust EZ Armor desktop security suite to "qualified Windows users." I'm not sure what the details are, but you can get them at: As an employee of Computer Associates, I automatically get eTrust EZ Armor for free, so that's what I use at home. If you want my opinion of it, send me a private message.

Shameless plug for someone else's service: I use a "disposable e-mail address" service,, as a hedge against spam. It doesn't totally eliminate spam, but it does allow you to figure out who leaked your e-mail address, and to shut down the address that's getting spam. Again, if you want my opinion or any of the details about, send me a private message.
Thanks Dale

Thanks Dale

I did call Comcast and they didn't seem nearly as upset as I was. They said they will block it so that any mail with the attbi extension will no longer be forwarded to me. When Comcast bought out AT&T I think that pretty much everyone updated my new address so this shouldn't be an issue. Comcast didn't seem to care that someone was using my old e-mail address and sending out who knows how many e-mails with a worm in it.

I will try the abuse address and complain about it there. Is it that impossible to track down? I noticed the e-mails that came back to me seemed to be sent to and from Australia. But then, what do I know about interpreting all of this stuff. Dale I was getting the e-mails back from the system administrators as they had also tripped something in their systems due to the worm these e-mails contained.

Makes me wonder what else they can get their hands on.

It's likely that no one has "taken over" your old address; at least not in the sense that someone logged on to the old ATTBI server and sent mail from it using your old account.

What probably happened is this: someone (or several someones) knows that the ATTBI.COM domain isn't "active" (sending mail), but is still "valid" (allowed as an address). That someone has sent mail FROM ANOTHER SYSTEM with a faked originating and/or return address listing an ATTBI.COM address (in this case, yours). It is embarrasingly easy to fake the orignating and return addresses in an email, which it is so hard for a "regular" user to track down the source of a spam or virus email.

Comcast's response doesn't surprise me either. They were probably already aware of the situation, at least in a general sense, and are shutting down the old ATTBI accounts as their former users log complaints.
Nah, a worm got hold of it out of someones address book and is sending mail with that address. It happens everyday. That is why the ISP doesn't seem concerned. It would take far too much time and is next to impossible to find the originating machine.
I guess it is happening to few people I know (who happen to be in my address book).

Thanks so much for helping me figure this out though........ :)
Virus reporting info

Virus reporting info

Where Do You Go to Report Spam?

We've had several readers ask if there is someplace where they can report the spam they receive, either to a government agency, an anti-spam organization or maintainers of blacklists. In fact, there are several such services that take reports of spam, including the following:

SpamCop Adds spammer addresses to blacklist and sends email to spammers' ISPs on your behalf.

SpamAbuse report spam messages and get tools for tracking spammers.

You can also complain directly to a spammer's ISP. For instructions on how to do it most effectively, see:

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