Here's a Very Interesting piece on how to Walk your Dog
Dog Walk
For a dog to be balanced you as an owner must take your dog for daily walks to release mental and physical energy. The proper way to walk a dog is the dog walking either beside you, or behind you, never in front of you. This may seem petty in a human's mind, however it means a lot in a dogs mind. Instinct tells a dog, the leader goes first. A lack of exercise and the mental energy a proper walk releases can cause many behavioral problems in a dog. Getting a dog to walk properly on a lead is not as hard as it may seem, yes, even your dog(s). (You can walk more than one dog properly on a lead.)
When getting ready to walk your dog, call the dog to you, do not go to the dog to put the lead on. After the dog comes to you make him or her sit calmly before snapping on the lead or slipping on the collar. Retractable leashes are not recommended, as they give the handler less control.
Take your dog to the front door and open the door. Make the dog sit quietly, do not allow the dog to bolt out the door. The dog needs to see, you are the one deciding when it's time to leave.
As soon as your dog is sitting quietly at the exit, it's time to leave. Be sure you exit the house before the dog, even if it's just a step before the dog.
The collar should be far up on the neck, giving you more control over the dog. Body harness are not recommended for walking dogs. The hardest goes around the strongest point on the dogs body, making it difficult to control the dog. Keeping the lead high up on the neck the same way they do in dog shows gives you more control with less effort. There should be no tension in the lead. Do not allow the dog to pull and don't constantly pull on your dog. Relax.
The lead should be short and hang loose. If the dog starts to pull snap the lead to the side, throwing him off balance. If the dog starts getting too excited and your not keeping him beside or behind you, stop and make the dog sit. Wait until he is calm, than start again. Do not call to the dog when you start walking again, just start walking. Pack leaders do not call the pack to come with them, the pack instinctually follows. The dog needs to learn he is following you, and tune into the person walking the dog. Do not praise your dog for walking calmly. This only creates excitement and you are more likely to pull your dog out of his calm, submissive mind.
The dog is not to sniff the ground and relieve themselves where they please, they are to concentrate on following their handler while walking. The person walking the dog decides when the dog is allowed to sniff or pee, not the dog. It is ok to allow your dog to sniff around and do his business, however, only when you decide it is ok. The dog needs to see you are leading him, he is not leading you.
If you pass a barking dog or other distraction, keep moving forward. If your dog averts it's attention to the distraction, give a tug on the lead to avert the attention back to the walk at hand. If the tug does not work you can also use your foot, not to kick the dog, but to touch him enough to snap his attention back on you. If you find the dog pulling, stop and make the dog sit. Correct any excited behavior over the distraction, with a tug and or an assertive touch to the neck using your hand as a claw, as soon as you see the dog starting to avert his gaze toward the distraction, or as soon as you see a look in your dog's eyes that tells you he is going to begin barking or growling. Timing is everything. This must be done right before the behavior happens or at the exact moment it starts. You do not want to wait until it escalates. If you wait too long before correcting a dog (were talking seconds), the dog may not even hear you, he will be too focused on the distraction. When correcting your dog, match your dogs intensity.
Walk at a good pace, keeping your shoulders held high. Dogs can sense tension or lack of confidence. Walk proud, like you are a strong leader. A dog will respond to this, they will sense it. Notice how there is no tension on the lead and the collar is up high on the neck. **
I like to have my dog sit when I stop at crosswalks etc... This is not necessary, however, the dog remaining calm is necessary. This dog decides to lay down while his owner stops to talk.
Putting a dog back pack on a dog is one way to make the walk more meaningful by giving the dog a job to do. Throw a couple of water bottles in the pack to add some weight. The dog will get a better workout, and it will also slow him down a bit, making it easier to walk. This is a good idea for some of the more active breeds, who have high energy levels.
If you are going off to work for the day, the dog should be walked before you leave the house. This will put the dog into a rest mode for the time you are gone.* Dogs should also be walked before they eat, fulfilling the dog's instinct to work for food.
Dogs, of all breeds and types, who are taken for daily walks, and who are made to walk beside or behind the owner, are less likely to be destructive, obsessive, have separation anxiety and and or dominancy issues, among many other behavior problems. Dogs with higher energy should be taken for longer more vigorous walks, some two or more times a day. For a dog, walking is a primal instinct. Fulfilling this need in your dog will make for a happier dog and happier owners. *
It only took one day to teach these two 120 pound Great Pyrenees how to walk properly on a lead. Both went from unruly, pulling every which way, to walking right next to the human. A couple of backwards boots in the butt (not a kick, but a bop) and a verbal, one word "Hey" along with a sideways tug at the moment they were thinking about pulling, and the dogs got the message, the human was boss. Lets not forget the all so importance of the calm, assertive confidence of the handler making a huge difference in the success of the walk. The dogs can feel energy and would not have responded to nervous, hyper, scared or tense energy. The rest of the walk went smoothly with neither trying to pass. The dogs enjoyed knowing where they stood, and the human can now take them on more walks, because she is able to control both dogs by herself.
To help you learn to do this, we strongly suggest Cesar Millan DVD's and or Cesar Millan Books to every dog owner, from Chihuahua to Pit Bull. An excellent guide to communicating with, understanding,* and controlling your dog.
Go to the above link for pictures depicting each major point.