......I was just sitting hear thinking about Cooker. With all that body hair,I'm surprised they had time for surgery after your body shave!!!
I think the veterinarian at the zoo is accustomed to these sorts of delays......
......I was just sitting hear thinking about Cooker. With all that body hair,I'm surprised they had time for surgery after your body shave!!!
Carole,my surgery is march 11th.Original scheduled for feb 11th but had it postponed one month due to a tooth issue.I feel really good no symptoms at all.Just went for a routine physical.I'm all done taking test though because everytime I take one something else seems to pop up.Started out just a valve replacement.Then an aneurysm.Than an ascending aorta replacement.Now talking about some arch work possibly.Some people have all the luck!!!CA Pigg370877 said:I've been wondering this myself so I'm so glad you asked this question... When is your surgery again book jp???
Carole,my surgery is march 11th.Original scheduled for feb 11th but had it postponed one month due to a tooth issue.I feel really good no symptoms at all.Just went for a routine physical.I'm all done taking test though because everytime I take one something else seems to pop up.Started out just a valve replacement.Then an aneurysm.Than an ascending aorta replacement.Now talking about some arch work possibly.Some people have all the luck!!!
hey guys
as a respiratory therapy student I can answer this question. I cant speak for each and everyone's experience because different facilities wean the ventilator differently, but when you get back to the ICU you will still be pretty sedated, but generally the ventilator is in a mode that will allow the patient (you) to do some of the work. the respiratory therapist is constantly monitoring the ventilator and watching how much of the breathing the patient is doing. as you wake up, you will automatically start doing some of your own breathing, as long as your vital signs are relatively stable as soon as you are awake enough to follow commands the respiratory therapist will take some numbers from the vent and ask you to do a few breathing exercises, they will also assess how awake you are by asking you to squeeze their hand and raise your head off the pillow. once they know that you are awake enough to not forget to breathe (sedatives can make ppl forget to breathe) and are awake enough to protect your own airway (not choke) and you can maintain your vital signs while doing your own work of breathing (they will put you in a mode that has you doing all your own breathing for a while to see how you do) they will pull the tube, it may be uncomfortable to be awake with the tube in for a while but its better to wait a little than to reintubate because the tube was pulled too early, plus, when you are intubated this causes a little trauma to your airway, if they have to reintubate you sometimes it can be difficult to get the tube in if there is alot of swelling in the airway
hope this helps
I always think "what if no one is around when I am ready to have it removed...."
when you are intubated this causes a little trauma to your airway, if they have to reintubate you sometimes it can be difficult to get the tube in if there is alot of swelling in the airway