Vein Harvest area

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Sorry to hear it is still filling back up
Maybe you should have her take a picture of it so you can see it better and have a record to compare it to.(We did that with a spot Justin had a problem with and it was helpful to have the different pictures days apart to show the doctors too. I think the reason you arent finding more people who had it so have advice, is not that many people also had a CABG at the same time or didnt have their vein harvested from the leg. I wonder if there is a forum for people who've had CABGs and see if you find others with the problem. I only remeber one member here who had problems with his leg, but cant remeber his name..he had a few major problems tho from whati remember.

Yeah, that makes sense why it has not been mentioned.

I just got off the phone with the doc's office and they want to see me back on Tuesday afternoon.
Yeah, that makes sense why it has not been mentioned.

I just got off the phone with the doc's office and they want to see me back on Tuesday afternoon.

Is the surgeon actually going to see you this time? I would insist on it. Unless there is a very good reason like he does heart transplants that arent planned. You might want to ask about bringing a wound specialist on board too but thats up to you
Sorry to hear it is still filling back up
Maybe you should have her take a picture of it so you can see it better and have a record to compare it to.(We did that with a spot Justin had a problem with and it was helpful to have the different pictures days apart to show the doctors too. I think the reason you arent finding more people who had it so have advice, is not that many people also had a CABG at the same time or didnt have their vein harvested from the leg. I wonder if there is a forum for people who've had CABGs and see if you find others with the problem. I only remeber one member here who had problems with his leg, but cant remeber his name..he had a few major problems tho from whati remember.
Is the surgeon actually going to see you this time? I would insist on it. Unless there is a very good reason like he does heart transplants that arent planned. You might want to ask about bringing a wound specialist on board too but thats up to you

Guess I will find out more tomorrow afternoon.

Greg, thanks for the link, I posted a topic. I don't much care for the way the site was developed but you found more then i could when i went looking.

I just got back from seeing my surgeon, he suggested a surgery this Friday to open incision and set in drain tube.
I asked if this was something he could do in office and he said no, it would be at the hospital. So I responded that this means opening up a new insurance claim and he acknowledged yes.

I let him know I really could not afford this right now and he said we could try another drain so that is what we did.
While my leg was being drained by the PA the surgeon came back in and said if this did not take he had another idea that he could do in office. He would go ahead and make incision to allow to drain, it would be packed with gauze and it would be up to me to change dressing. He said the wound would have to heal from the inside out, like the drain tubes in our chest had done.
A poor mans way to get same results .
This would not cost me funds and that works for me at this time. So if this draining does not work, I go back in next Tuesday or I live with what I got.
I just got back from seeing my surgeon, he suggested a surgery this Friday to open incision and set in drain tube.
I asked if this was something he could do in office and he said no, it would be at the hospital. So I responded that this means opening up a new insurance claim and he acknowledged yes.

I let him know I really could not afford this right now and he said we could try another drain so that is what we did.
While my leg was being drained by the PA the surgeon came back in and said if this did not take he had another idea that he could do in office. He would go ahead and make incision to allow to drain, it would be packed with gauze and it would be up to me to change dressing. He said the wound would have to heal from the inside out, like the drain tubes in our chest had done.
A poor mans way to get same results .
This would not cost me funds and that works for me at this time. So if this draining does not work, I go back in next Tuesday or I live with what I got.

Sorry to hear this. Maybe you could ask about what it would cost to put the drain in and if he could work with you, or of there is someway to keep it under the same insurance case since it IS a complication. I would ask alot of questions about which way would give you the best chances of a best recovery ANF would the chances of getting an infection be higher with the wound packing instead of a drain etc.
I agree with Lyn.
Seeing this has gone on since your surgery and there is a record of your repeated visits to his office for treatment, there might be a way, with a little persuasion from you, for this to all be part of the initial insurance claim. It has been an on-going condition since the time you were in the hospital and is by no means the 'norm' for a small vein harvest incision. Perhaps if you discussed your concern about infection with your surgeon you could urge him to try to find the best way to care for you.

Had he seen you on your previous visits to his office and not his PA, would things have been different?
I'll see how this goes, if it does not take I'll take both of your advice and see what HR at work can do to help.
the Doc already gave me his solution so not sure why I should not just go with that.
I have spent time on the phone with my insurance company yesterday they say new year, new deductibles, which means more cost to me. They will NOT consider this seroma on my leg part of last years claim. So the Docs fix would be my cheap option.

I have made up my mind after talking with a person who also had this same issue, DO Nothing, leave it alone .
The person I talked to is a member on a boating message board that I frequent. He works in the medical profession and has also had a valve and artery replacement along with the seroma condition on his leg. I just got off the phone with him and I told him everything I had gone thru and my current options.
He said, if it no longer hurts, leave it alone and watch it. His went away in 9 weeks.
So I'm going to do the same, no more messing with it, leave it alone and watch it.
I feel relieved....

I have spent time on the phone with my insurance company yesterday they say new year, new deductibles, which means more cost to me. They will NOT consider this seroma on my leg part of last years claim. So the Docs fix would be my cheap option.

I have made up my mind after talking with a person who also had this same issue, DO Nothing, leave it alone .
The person I talked to is a member on a boating message board that I frequent. He works in the medical profession and has also had a valve and artery replacement along with the seroma condition on his leg. I just got off the phone with him and I told him everything I had gone thru and my current options.
He said, if it no longer hurts, leave it alone and watch it. His went away in 9 weeks.
So I'm going to do the same, no more messing with it, leave it alone and watch it.
I feel relieved....


Sounds like you put a lot of thought into this and came you with a plan you feel comfortable with. Just be sure to keep and eye on it, its rare, but seromas can calcify or get infected
Hi Lyn, thanks for's about the size of a golf ball under my skin. My wife thinks it looks smaller then before so hopefully time will just take care of it.
I do keep an eye on it, it still shrinks at night so the fluid is absorbing into body while I sleep, that right there is a good thing to me anyway.

I feel great tho, doing a lot of catch up chores and have been getting ahead of the spring commissioning on our's all Good !!


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