Valentine's Day thread . . . How did you meet your husband, wife, signficant other?

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Women are outposting 11-6

Women are outposting 11-6

It appears that our female members are more willing to post their love recollections than the men! But it is fun to read each and every story that has been posted!

(By the way Mike, what did Lyn say when she saw your M&M tatoo?)

Come on; if you haven't posted, please do!
OK, you "typed" me into it.

I met my wife-to-be in the back seat of a 1965/66 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible.:eek: :D :rolleyes:

Wait a minute; get your minds out of the gutter!!!!:mad: Let?s see, it was broad daylight and there were 7 or 8 people riding in it at the time. Had a friend whose Uncle sold Pontiacs and he let Ernie and I borrow his brand new convertible to tool around town for the day. Unfortunately, to get the car we HAD to take Ernie?s sister (a pain in the ass by the way). She INSISTED on inviting three of her girlfriends to go along. My wife-to-be was one of them. She was there visiting her grandparents. We started dating and planned a nice big June wedding in 1968. Unfortunately Viet-nam didn?t care whose dreams it messed up. I joined the Air Force in 1967 and after basic and training school was assigned to GUAM reporting in May 1968. It was either wait 18 months until I got back or get married before I left. We got married April 1968 at her home with family and close friends. She was a senior in High School (graduating in JUNE) and the school did not ALLOW married GIRLS to attend. She had to keep it hush-hush until graduation. She later found out that several teachers knew but didn?t tell. Our wedding gift from her parents were tickets for her to fly to Guam to be with me. Being 6,000 miles from home we learned to live thru any disagreements without killing each other.:D Thirty-eight long (and sometimes not so smooth) years later we are still tolerating each other.:p :D

Of course, the wife might remember this in a more romantic way. You know us men are from Mars!!!!:p :p

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Fun thread Mary!!:) Jim and I met when we marched together in the Kansas State University marching band(go Cats!!) I played clarinet, he played sax. We did not start dating until 3 years after that, after he had transferred to another school. He stopped by my dorm one day on his way to his college just to say hi. I had not seem him in awhile and I thought-what a hottie!!!:cool: Two kids and 15 years of marriage I can honestly say I am so blessed to have such a fabulous husband! Deb
Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

I was a male stripper back then She had a fist full of money and she liked what She saw. Honestly Diane was my best friends sister we were playing football in the back yard 44 years ago I told my friend to pass it to his sister so i could tackle her and I did. We will be married 38 years this June, 3 BEAUTIFUL kids one is our Daughter in law and 1 real ugly Shizu. It doesn't have to be Valentines Day we all LOVE each other EVERYDAY.....

the bulldog is HAPPY for what he has....
Debster said:
Hey Mary-what marching band were you all in? and what did you play? I know-I am a band geek:)

It was our little high school band, Rosiclare High School, but it no longer exists.:( It fell victim to school district consolidation in the late 80's.
I played clarinet and Bob played sax--just like you and your husband.:)
I met my dear husband Joe of 31 years on an old-fashioned blind date. Joe was in a class with the boyfriend of my girlfriend from work and the first time she met him in May 1973 she immediately wanted to play matchmaker. Unfortunately life got in the way and that first date was not until December. We hit it off (Joe says he knew right away that I was the one) and Joe "proposed" 7 months later in July 1974. We were married a year later in July 1975 - 4 months before our "matchmakers" tied the knot.
It was our little high school band, Rosiclare High School, but it no longer exists.

Mary, that's how we know we're getting older. Since my daughter has been in Boston and I have gone to visit, I can't tell you how many old haunts, workplaces, etc. which existed when I went to school there are no longer there- including the school I attended- Chamberlain School of Retailing. Also, when your clergy and doctors are all younger than you are and you remember them as always being "older" figures that you looked up to!:(
Almost 30 years already!

Almost 30 years already!

I was widowed in 1972 and had two precious little girls. I "met" Gordon through a pen pall program from the Church of God in 1977. He was recently widowed and had a 146 lb Great Dane. No children. He lived and worked in Tucson AZ, and I lived and worked in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Because this had to be a long distance relationship, we chose to write every day, send pictures and called eachother all the time until it became difficult to pay the long distance bills. We met in person for the first time at a church dance in April of 1977. He came to see me first. I traveled to Arizona a month later. He proposed that same weekend and I got a ring and a wedding date for August because my oldest daughter was going into 1st grade and it either was going to be in Canada or we were going to move to the states.
We will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this summer.
I met my husband when I was working full time and goin to Syracuse University part time to get my Masters in Advertising and John was a member of Syracuse's Military Photojournalism class. It was September 1979 and I was registreing for the semester's classes when a group of about 5 people asked me for directions to the registration building, and since I was going there, I walked with them. John and the others told me that they were in the Military program and we had a nice talk. They went on their way and so did I. About an hour later, I was getting some lunch in a nearby fast food, whn the group came into the restaurant and sat with me. Anyway, we both had our classes in the same building and I ran into John a few times. We finally started going out in November and have been together since. I graduated in May and John went to San Antonio for the Air Force. He came to see me a few times and we got engaged in September and married in March 1980.

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