Hi All.
Just a FYI. We've had a couple of discussion recently re. strength training and the limitations that some cardios suggest. I've been researching the effectiveness of bodyweight training for adding muscle and burning fat. There are a couple of good books. The one I'm a big fan of is You are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren (www.marklauren.com). Because my cardio told me push ups and pull ups were OK, I've started doing strength training with body weight exercises and like the results so far. It is also a cheap way to get a workout because you don't need equipment. Since running has always been considered OK by my cardio, I'm also looking into high intensity interval training as a way of kicking up the calorie burning by doing sprints, jumping rope, biking, etc. If anyone has consulted their cardio on either bodyweight training or interval training, please chime in. Also, if you have any comments on this general plan for losing weight/adding muscle, I'd love to hear what you think.
Just a FYI. We've had a couple of discussion recently re. strength training and the limitations that some cardios suggest. I've been researching the effectiveness of bodyweight training for adding muscle and burning fat. There are a couple of good books. The one I'm a big fan of is You are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren (www.marklauren.com). Because my cardio told me push ups and pull ups were OK, I've started doing strength training with body weight exercises and like the results so far. It is also a cheap way to get a workout because you don't need equipment. Since running has always been considered OK by my cardio, I'm also looking into high intensity interval training as a way of kicking up the calorie burning by doing sprints, jumping rope, biking, etc. If anyone has consulted their cardio on either bodyweight training or interval training, please chime in. Also, if you have any comments on this general plan for losing weight/adding muscle, I'd love to hear what you think.