Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
I've been keeping up with AI developments consistently over the years and the latest stuff (GPT3 and newer) seems to be "better" ... however there exists plenty on YouTube showing that basically it lies. Not only does the question matter (such as which is better vs is this better than that) but you need to interrogate it.
Recently someone messaged me and asked that I look into a specific one, this one:
so I used a SPAM Bucket email account and signed in and asked a basic question in a neutral way on a subject I already knew well
The answer sort of rang true but the "lower bleeding risks" was just not right in my view. I have never seen any article say that; indeed the opposite is written.
So I decided to look for European Heart Journal in 2017 and find anythign written by S. Head et al.
Nope ... so the answer is "it just made it up and made it look good.
So to prevent people Assuming that AI is "the research tool of choice" I want to remind people before you make an Ass out of U (mmmm) to double check the answers, or you'll be D. Head et all not Sam (or whoever he was).
So this goes to show that IF you are trying to reach an informed decision, that you (and you means you) need to get your actual head around the subject, you need to ask critical questions and then you probably need to ask here for views on that point and require us to be able to support with evidence our opinion.
If you can't or don't do the above then you're probably not informing yourself , you're probably just seeking supporting opinions to make you feel better about your personal bias.
PS: if you can find the article where this is taken from please link it below and let me know who the Et Al was
I've been keeping up with AI developments consistently over the years and the latest stuff (GPT3 and newer) seems to be "better" ... however there exists plenty on YouTube showing that basically it lies. Not only does the question matter (such as which is better vs is this better than that) but you need to interrogate it.
Recently someone messaged me and asked that I look into a specific one, this one:

so I used a SPAM Bucket email account and signed in and asked a basic question in a neutral way on a subject I already knew well

The answer sort of rang true but the "lower bleeding risks" was just not right in my view. I have never seen any article say that; indeed the opposite is written.
So I decided to look for European Heart Journal in 2017 and find anythign written by S. Head et al.
Nope ... so the answer is "it just made it up and made it look good.
So to prevent people Assuming that AI is "the research tool of choice" I want to remind people before you make an Ass out of U (mmmm) to double check the answers, or you'll be D. Head et all not Sam (or whoever he was).
So this goes to show that IF you are trying to reach an informed decision, that you (and you means you) need to get your actual head around the subject, you need to ask critical questions and then you probably need to ask here for views on that point and require us to be able to support with evidence our opinion.
If you can't or don't do the above then you're probably not informing yourself , you're probably just seeking supporting opinions to make you feel better about your personal bias.
PS: if you can find the article where this is taken from please link it below and let me know who the Et Al was
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