Sherry - Hope you are able to figure out the cause of your visual disturbance!
Melissa - I had what you are describing off and on for the last ten years but it is evidently, at this point, completely gone now, post-op! Also...
Christina - I was amazed when I read your doctor's misdiagnosis for MS on the previous thread (related to this one) because the family doctor that I was seeing, about twelve years ago or so, when I had my first occurence of this freakish optical manifestation, also scared me half to death with an MS "prediction." Fortunately, a visit to the eye doctor ruled out the MS optical symptom. I forget now what they were looking for but it may have been called optic neuropathy. Anyway, I didn't have it. I BELIEVE NOW THAT THE PRESSURE BETWEEN THE EYES AND THE DOUBLE/TRIPLE VISION SENSATION MAY HAVE BEEN RELATED TO MY PRE-OP HYPERTENSION, WHICH IS NOW COMPLETELY GONE! I had been medicated for hypertension for the past decade but the new valve evidently corrected that issue for me!
I still remember the first occurence that I had with this; I thought that I might have been having a stroke. But I was thinking, I don't have a headache. I thought about a heart attack but again I was thinking, I feel fine. The only thing was the sudden onset of the pressure and double/triple vision sensation. It would usually last a minute or so, as I recall. Oddly enough, when I would cover either eye during an episode, vision was clear in that eye. But the eyes could not focus together.
I had the episodes more and more frequently in the months leading up to the surgery, as the valve was giving more evidence of failure, or impending failure.
Another vision occurence that I had pre-op was frequent clusters of lit-up dots passing through my range of vision. The first time I had that was a bit over a year after my first heart surgery, when I was pregnant with my first son (twenty-three years ago) and we lived up in Summit County, Colorado, (very high altitude). It resolved after his birth and it began occuring again when I was pregnant with my second son. Same resolution. Then, at some later time, those occurences gradually became much more frequent. They too are, if not completely gone, so infrequent that I'm not aware of them now, post-op!