Update on Rob

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I had the angio seal & had to lie flat for maybe an hr, then I moved up into a resting position, ate dinner & left shortly afterwards. Ended up with some pretty good bruising a few days later but that was it.

You had a special treatment;) 1 hr?!! dinner???!! :cool:
the nurse kept checking every ten minutes on if I was moving...no mercy! Eh...she helped me move on my side after 4 hrs:p
what dinner are you talking about...there or on your own outside the hospital?! I was served only a few crackers and fruit juice...I saved myself some calories.:)
I experienced a hematoma bleed the first cath I had. Actually, it was a double cath since the IC tried to use my right side even after I'd explained to the nurse/admitter that I'd had a DVT in my groin in my early 20s.

I had a fantastic black and purple bruise extending from just left of my belly button, around my hip and down my left leg to halfway down my calf. I can so relate to how painful and frightening this experience can be. Rest and follow your doc's orders Rob and hopefully you'll have a deliciously horrific story to tell at the pool like I did.
Thanks for the update. Robert has my best wishes on a quick recovery from that mess. I guess now you have to find a way to keep him occupied for a while he stays in bed. I saw in his "about me" that he's a fisherman, so I suggest you get one of his shorter fishing rods and put a little weight on the end of the line. Then have him practice casting from bed. Set a few trash cans around the room or even in the next room and have him practice trying to cast into the cans. That should keep him occupied for a few hours. OK depending on his skill I can see this turning out bad if he overcasts the weight into the mirror, so maybe put something a little lighter and softer on the end so he doesn't break something. :D:D

Take care,
I got to order off a pretty decent menu, had a good cheeseburger along with mash potato's & gravy.

I am actually looking forward to eating there for a few days next week.:D

Bon Appetit! Enjoy with great heath ... it is good to look forward to something when going to a major thing!! Keep the good spirits up...I personally when I became able to eat I enjoyed food at UCLA...sponsored my Marriott:cool:
Rob sorry about your ordeal.I had something similar happen right after they got me to recovery room.I wasn't in there five minutes and I could feel my right side groin getting bigger.Felt kind of stupid ringing for the nurse after she had just left but didn't know if that was normal or not.As soon as she came in and took a look she ran out and another nurse came running in and started applying a lot of pressure on the groin to work out the hematoma that was starting to develop.Afterwards I glad I rang the nurse.So anyone going thru this better to be safe than sorry!!!!!!!Hope you're feeling better and skipped the gargling on the TEE test.Jim
Something very similar happened to me the day after my heart cath (and the day before I entered for my AVR surgery). They had put in a "collegen plug" in my femoral artery and told me I could walk around normally after 24 hours. So, the next day after the cath I was in the kitchen and felt a pop in my groin. Next thing I know I'm getting an apple sized bulge near my groin and I feel pain. I put my hand on the site, and call the ambulance. The stupid EMTs made me walk down steps and to the ambulance and complained in the ambulance about people who abuse the system to get free rides to the hospital. I couldn't believe it. The emergency room nurses were aghast and said I should write a letter. Didn't do it. Anyway, at the hospital, they brought me up to the cath ward after a short stay in the emergency room under a clamp. Up in the ward, one of the nurses said they had to dissipate the mound of blood under my skin so that my body could absorb it. He pressed directly on the bulge repeatedly until it was spread around under my skin. It was the most painful thing I have ever endured in my entire life, including the AVR the next day. They did eventually give me pain meds, but I went through the dissipation of the bulge without pain meds. Anyway, I also got the huge bruise others have mentioned and still have a little bit of the tell tale signs almost 12 weeks later. Sigh.

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