UPDATE: KIDS ECHOS-Bicuspid Parents

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WOW!...I am so glad we dont have hockey here cos my Matt and Steve would definately want too be doing that!.

Thankfully they found Archery nearby and have become really good at it..in-fact the best in the whole club. I am very proud of them.:D ..And very grateful that they happened to find this sport and are really good at it.

Before the Archery Matt, was into the skateboards and BMX bikes :eek: ..and of course I was rather worried about the "falls".

The 2 BAV boys are so much more of an athletic-build and so much more active and were both on the verge of ADHD when younger....
compared to our non-bav boy!...weird.

I reckon if us BAV mums compare notes we may find some other similarities in the kids?!...I know all 3 of us suffer form reflux and stuff like that?!...it just has to be related...too many cases to ignore.
This is all so fascinating. Our BAV Matt has happily discovered a love of golf--the drs. all smile and nod approvingly when the subject comes up, but maybe because so many drs. tend to play golf themselves! He also has chronic acid reflux--nobody else in the family does--it seems like too big a coincidence to me to be not related in some way. Arlys has been compiling an informal list of characteristics she has noticed alot in BAV people. It's really a groundbreaking area--and of great interest to all of us!



Husband Nathan (BAV) has never been formally diagnosed, but I have always suspected him to have GERD, and his Dad (the post heart transplant for ? virus) also has a hiatal hernia. Interesting.... Nathan had incredible indurance for weight lifting, and did Karate some as a kid. HATED running.

As far as my kids go....(daughter murmur, son no murmur)

Neither was 'naturally' athletic....they both just loved being on the ice. They are both short/stocky build....no stretchy joints here, they both had to work hard to be flexible, but it came!

Also in the comparing notes theme-Husband has stubborn cholesterol issues as well. We tried hard a few years ago to be very very good w/diet and failed to bring it down anymore than 260. His dad beat the cholesterol issue by going vegetarian, but this is just not an option for us. Lipitor worked great too, but we want to avoid the statins if at possible.

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