Update from Yaps

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I called Yaps (Darlene) this afternoon and caught her just as the physical therapist was leaving. I think she said she comes twice a week and she also has a nurse's aid that comes, I think-- but don't quote me, every day. The therapist is working with her legs trying to keep the circulation going.
She's lost her password so hasn't been on VR but hopefully Ross will get her back on before her birthday next week. I know she would appreciate well wishes on a birthday thread.
Their situation is still the same :( . . . they're trying to get insulation in the garage before cold weather sets in.
Please keep her in your prayers.
why don't you start it, Mary and then we'll add to it.

We are to have 52-55ish weather tomorrow morning. She's closer to the coast than I am so will be warmer for her, but it is coming. We are 30 miles from the gulf but I think she's closer.

She's having a time of it and it hasn't stopped, apparently. I am looking forward to hearing from her.
Thanks for posting, Mary...Wish I lived nearer to help out..I remember her posting long time ago about hating to lose her home...but glad she had daughter to help out..Did she mention how her hubby was doing? bonnie
She is still in our thoughts and prayers and I hope she gets back on in time for her birthday.
I am here,thankyou Mary and Ross..for some reason I had thoght I had Solomon for my pw???:eek:
We are ok,just going one day at a time,love all of you,Yaps:)
Yaps said:
I am here,thankyou Mary and Ross..for some reason I had thoght I had Solomon for my pw???:eek:
We are ok,just going one day at a time,love all of you,Yaps:)


I'm glad Ross got you back!:)
Now don't go away again!:p :p :p
Hi Darlene!!! Glad to see you back on line!!! I don't know you that well or all of your story, but I know some of what you are going through. I just wanted to welcome you back and to ask you to stick around!!!! Have you seen some of the abuse;) we southerners have had hurled at us???? We need to stick together!!!! South Carolina Georgia and Alabama, the great southern states!!!

Anyway, welcome back. The support here is indispensable. We need you here, you are in my prayers........................Tom
Hey, Yaps. so good to see the wolf again......

We have missed you. I am sorry to know that you are still having so many problems. Praying for you.

Nice weather we're having. It was 50 outside this morning. Bet you are a bit warmer, but still cool. I am enjoying it and hope you are, as well. At least no storms this year and now we are almost out of the woods.

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