New Guy
Well-known member
We were! I also graduated in 85 but from liberal arts. My cousin graduated a year earlier in Mech Engineering. I wonder if you know him?
You're right of course and I agree. I have scheduled another meeting with my surgeon the day before to discuss that very thing. I just don't know which valve models they have to use. My Cardio doc said he doesn't know anything about it and when I asked the surgeon when I saw him he replied "the cheapest one" meaning they all are functionally the same and he has little preference. I'll be happy with either of the latest models and was told by my Cardio doc they use the latest up to date valves and they use different brands also. I just want to know which ones. I suspect they don't like a patient to be influenced by advertisements and show up asking for one or the other prior to surgery armed with a little info found online. But I am surprised at the feigned ignorance.
New Guy, I'm not surprised cardiologist doesn't know anything about valve selection; his job is diagnosing you if you need one and it's the surgeon who should go into details and at least give you an idea of the difference between tissue and mechanical. He sounds kind of flip to me. If I had gotten that response from my potential surgeon, I'd probably be seeing about getting another one. If he doesn't have a preference for valves, I wonder if it's because he doesn't do many valve surgeries? Some CTs do more than others, and valve surgery is only about 20% of the heart surgeries that are done, so he could be a surgeon who doesn't do many valves, which, for me, raises a red flag. Just my two-and-a-half cents' worth.
My surgeon is the chief of heart surgery at Mayo (Dr Daly) and does a lot of these so I don't worry about his experience. Maybe I just asked the wrong questions. I see him monday prior to surgery and thanks to this forum I know what questions to ask this time! I'm sure they use the St Jude Regent and the On-x. There just aren't that many choices out there otherwise.
Thanks, Doug
good luck new soon be as good as new.....stay clear of ross he promished me a beer in france last month and told me he couldnt make it because his lear jet was faulty, i know damm well he has 2 others, welcome aboard new guy
Oh for crying out loud, cut me some slack. The FAA hes regulations in place that can't be circumnavigated. My Piper cub won't do transatlantic flights.
to be sure add a second month, been there on OHS and 60 days is probably a better bet before transatlantic flight...especially in a piper cub,,,,now that i rethink you may want to add 2 months for a total of 3 before a piper cub flight to Europe (grin)