As if it weren't enough stress to be told you have to have surgery. Or to fight the battle of scheduling to get it set up. Or to go through the surgery itself. Or to go through the pain of recovery... Oh, no! There's one more stress they have to pile on.... Bills. 
Now, I have two insurances, so this shouldn't be a big stress. On top of that, by now my primary insurance is paying 100% due to all of the surgeries I had in 2008. But no. The stinkin' billing offices have to screw it up! They billed my SECONDARY first! What?! Why do I bother telling them "This is my primary. And this is my secondary." if they're not even going to pay attention? I now have a pile of bills that I have to make phone calls about tomorrow at some point. Forget trying to actually work.
Ugh! Why do we have to tell them how to do their jobs? No one tells me how to do mine! And I seem to do just fine. 
Sorry. Rant over.
Now, I have two insurances, so this shouldn't be a big stress. On top of that, by now my primary insurance is paying 100% due to all of the surgeries I had in 2008. But no. The stinkin' billing offices have to screw it up! They billed my SECONDARY first! What?! Why do I bother telling them "This is my primary. And this is my secondary." if they're not even going to pay attention? I now have a pile of bills that I have to make phone calls about tomorrow at some point. Forget trying to actually work.
Sorry. Rant over.