Are you saying Katie is close to MLKyle's son? Katie has pretty complex CHDs and needed one of the repairs that needed a couple surgeries. I am trying to think of Who that post here children has something close.
I was thinking more in terms of age at first surgery, but even there I was in error. The more important info was the reference to Dr. Bove and UofM's pediatric unit.
Another Heart Mom is Emma from Portsmouth, England, UK.
Here is GIJanet's profile:
About gijanet
Katie has had 5 heart surgeries: a Bt shunt at 2 weeks; Bilateral bidirectional glenn at 12 months; repair of common AV valve at 3 years; then our 2for1 heart surgery sale: valve re-repair & extracardiac fontan, then replacement of common AV valve a
Heart History
heterotaxy syndrome w/situs ambiguous, polysplenia, dextrocardia, malrotation of intestines, complete AVSD, DORV, BSVC, L-TGV, IIVC, PS, leaking AV valve
Captopril; Coumadin; Aspirin
Arlington, Tx.
Marvin the Martian & the other Looney Tunes characters, Dora the Explorer, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, and the Sesame Street gang
Have mastered my ABC's and have learned to read quite well.
CHD list
Janet, mom to Trip & Katie (my CHD child)11-19-00; heterotaxy syndrome w/dextrocardia, situs ambiguous, polysplenia, CAVSD, DORV, L-TGV, BSVC, PS, IIVC, & a leaking common AV valve (mitral & tricuspid are merged); now 5 surgeries under her shirt; we took advantage of the 2 for 1 OHS sale on 7/12/05 at UofM by the gifted Dr. Bove; fontan & annuloplasty of common AV valve; then valve replacement w/a Carbomedics prosthetic valve
Katie and Janet are great examples of how mother can child can face the challenges of multiple Heart Surgeries and come up smiling thanks to the Highly Refined Art of Pediatric Heart Surgery.
As Nancy, the Grande Dame of says:
"Never Give In and Never Give Up"
'AL Capshaw'