You are right!!Well one is Mary, she has shown love and friendship and gave John and I a donation so to speak, she has also offered her home if a hurricane threatens again..I have 2 large dogs, 1 (Solomon) has never spent a night outdoors.. I can not and wont leave them here during a hurricane, it will not happen. By offering us her home it helps tremendously!
Ross, our little devil is an angel in demon clothes.. he was offered a car, and he passed this offer to me..we have had nothing but problems with our remaining running truck, 2 mechanics have litterally ripped us off,for 2 grand over this past year.. begging and paying for rides was slowly killing us, and if a hurricane did harken upon my door again

, oh well. We are deep in the country where mass transport is a foreign will wear you down ..John , after 10 hrs work would sometimes have to wait for 3-4 hrs for a pick-up..Ross we love you
Dr Jeff, car donation, this car is awesome, made it 873 miles from Virginia, not one hitch, slowdown or problem.
When we both were healthier, we had given away many cars, 1 truck...Ive taken in drunks and addicts , given a roof over their heads and found them jobs(this is why we gave cars away), some didnt make it and simply didnt change, many did..
I have been very depressed, especially since I was SSDI approved.. truly a cause of celebration for most.. I hear death peals... that it really is THAT BAD...I swell like a balloon,anyway , I was down..wondering ..who will help me? My John..sometimes walking miles to get home... you see?
This has renewed my faith...what goes around really does come around.. and I feel blessed to have known my angels before I die...
Sorry this is soooo long, but Ive not been posting much due to all that has happened..any way ..this is why we have angels in our the pup