Trip Three to the hosptial!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Murfreesboro, TN USA
I must really be a glutton for punishment.

Needed to go and pick up a refill for my pain medication from the Cardiac area over at Vanderbilt. Long story short, the night before I was going to go in, I noticed that I had some rapid heartbeats, things kind of beating funny, etc. Things felt kind of strange, but no pain. I'm thinking,

"I'll bring it up to them when I'm there. At most, they may change a medication, or something along those lines".

Oh No. It can't be that easy. :rolleyes:

They strap me to the EKG machine the next day and start checking. Nothing. Everything is showing up just fine. "Just my luck" I say. You can never see something like you want to. Anyway, she unhooks me, and is about to let me go home when my heart starts beating funny again. I told her it was doing it again, so she grabbed my wrist, and sure enough, she felt it. So anyway, since my heart was still acting up, they immediately run the EKG machine back in. Now the fun part. The tech can't get it hooked up right. All the leads aren't working. In the time that it took him to hook it up, my heart had three episodes where it was acting funny. Anyway, they finally get it hooked up right, and what do you know. It's acting normal again. :D

By this point, I'm wondering what the heck is going on here.

Anyway, the lady I'm working with leaves the room for a few minutes and then comes back in and lowers the boom on me. "We need to observe you for 48 hours". :eek: "WHAT!!!" :eek:

She said, she thinks she see's a little atril-fib on my EKG. Granted, I understand. You don't want to mess around with atril-fib, but two more days????

Needless to say, I'm just a LITTLE disappointed. There will definitely be no trick or treating with my 5 and 7 year old boys this year.

So back to a room I go at Vandy. They hook me up to the continuous heart monitor, etc. Long story short, it looks like what I was having was PVC's. Not sure if I even had atril-fib, but they did catch PVC's. So they have now switched me from the metoprolol I was on, to sotalol. Apparently it did the trick, Once I switched medications, my heart stopped going off on the strange heartbeats.

The good news is this. The first night I was in the hospital, I started developing problems with pericarditis again. Started out as a pain above my left shoulder blade. From there it moved to the upper left portion of my chest, and from there, the pain just kept on getting worse. The problem was, that they kept treating me like they were not sure what do to. I kept telling them that I had been in the ER last week with these pains, and that they were the same. But it wasn't until my surgeons sidekick came in and told them to order me some more indomethacin. 2 hours after that medicine and I was pain free. AGAIN!!!

So, it is now Thursday, Nov 1st, and I am back home. Heart seems to be back in a normal rhythm now, so I'm happy about that.

I am determined not to go back to the hospital until my post-op visit with my surgeon. At least I hope that's the case. ;) You know what they say. Third times the charm.
Geez, Jeff, could you have a little less fun with your recovery? :cool:

I'm so sorry but glad to hear you're back home now. Sounds like you got the 'trick' part of Halloween.

Three times IS the charm, here's to smooooooooth sailing from now on!

Jeff you'll be fine now, you've had the "Rule of Three's" run it's course.

Some of us are just destined to have these little things pop out from no where and cause us some problems.
ruth said:
Geez, Jeff, could you have a little less fun with your recovery? :cool:

I'm so sorry but glad to hear you're back home now. Sounds like you got the 'trick' part of Halloween.

Three times IS the charm, here's to smooooooooth sailing from now on!


You talk about "smooooooooth sailing"!!!!

I forgot to mention. The new medication they put me on. Sotalol.

It has got to be the best medication to put you to sleep that I have ever had. Not sure how it effects others, but every time I took a dose of this in the hospital, I was out for an hour and a half. :D

I already told my wife that I was going to be taking a little nap after I took that medication. ;)
Ross said:
Jeff you'll be fine now, you've had the "Rule of Three's" run it's course.

Some of us are just destined to have these little things pop out from no where and cause us some problems.

Yep that's right.....I hit three speed bumps then smooth sailing......It will all work out. Hang in there Jeff.
Ross said:
Jeff you'll be fine now, you've had the "Rule of Three's" run it's course.

Some of us are just destined to have these little things pop out from no where and cause us some problems.

Rule of Threes -- Ross' wisdom has captured it just right, as usual.

Wishing you smooth sailing from now on, Jeff.
Okay, okay - we know you just like breakfast in bed. :D ;)

Sorry you are having so much trouble. I have had numerous bouts with pericarditis and Medrol also knocks it out very quickly. Also, atrial fib, while it can be quite annoying is something you can deal with. I have been in a-fib for almost 4 years and doing fine.

Stay away from the hospital now - listen to us.
I am so glad to hear you do pay attention to symptoms since they can see trivial but in truth need to be addressed. Just wanted the share with you that I had pericarditis after my first surgery 28 years ago and was prescribed indocin. Last month I had my, who knows how many bouts that was, and still the drug of choice is indocin. Keep taking care
Not to worry Jeff, your heart is just giving you a little protest after being cut upon ;-)

After they discovered it was PVC's, did you notice anyone Yawning? PAC's and PVC's are the Common Cold of Cardiology and are generally considered benign. (But YES, they can make you feel weak and WEIRD!)

For my PAC's, I was on Toprol XL. When I started getting exercise induced A-Fib, they put me on Sotalol which I was told targeted Atrial Fibrilation. Whatever. It WORKS!
And it's a LOT safer than AMIODARONE, the Sledge Hammer of anti-arrhythmics.

'AL Capshaw'
I hope you are done with hospital visits for many, many years!
ALCapshaw2 said:
Not to worry Jeff, your heart is just giving you a little protest after being cut upon ;-)

After they discovered it was PVC's, did you notice anyone Yawning? PAC's and PVC's are the Common Cold of Cardiology and are generally considered benign. (But YES, they can make you feel weak and WEIRD!)
'AL Capshaw'


They were in there just looking at the charts like "Would you like some lego's with that little heart problem here"?

No question that PVC's is nothing compared to A-Fib. At least, that's how I felt the last couple of days. I'm sure they want to take care of any rhythm issues, but this I felt was more at the bottom when it comes to importance.

Thanks Al!!


Bina said:
Jeff, what is your dose of Sotalol?
It is good stuff!


They have me on 40mg of Sotalol every 12 hours. Just took my first one at 6:00 PM tonight. By 6:30 I was starting to feel the drowsiness coming over me. Fought it until 7:30 when I really felt like I was going to drop. However, by 8:00, it felt like it had broken. I was watching a movie with my boys, so I wanted to stay up. However, there is no doubt that I will be using it to take a nap with in the future here. ;)
Pac? Pvc?

Pac? Pvc?

Sorry to hear about your problems Jeff. Hopefully you're through the worst of it. Hang in there!

I have a quick questions about the acronyms PAC and PVC. what exactly do they stand for?

maybe Ross should make a sticky with all the acronyms and abbreviations on this web site? I'm always getting confused!
PAC - premature atrial contraction
PVC - premature ventricular contraction

Both feel like a skipped beat, and then a really hard beat, but actually, there is no skip, but a small beat that does not originate at the sinus node which comes right after the normal one that does. Since there is this extra beat, it then pauses and you will then feel a hard beat.
Ah, Jeff ... sorry about your trip back to the hospital ... but, glad you are back home now.

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'
Good grief Charlie Brown!!! Enough already!:p

So sorry you missed the trick or treating. This positively has to be your last "bump".
Can't Spell It Out

Can't Spell It Out

Jeff, Sorry man! I said a word I won't write when reading your post. I had a similar experience shortly (6 mos.?) after surgery and had a halter monitor for 3 or 4 days. It didn't show anything, but as soon as I turned it in the irregular beats returned! Luckily for me, my rythms returned to normal on their own, but it was very disconcerting. Hope all that is behind you now, and the rest is smooth sailing! Brian

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