Sit back and watch life go by?

What about that wife and those kids of yours, CBD? I hope you bought lots and lots of life insurance while you still could! Or, are you and yours "trust-fund-babies"? Or do you just have lots of money to leave so your very young family can survive in your permanent absence? (Anyone who has lost a parent early would attest how much they miss that parent). I think you need to talk to those geneticists again, CBD. When I laid eyes on you and when you stood up I saw someone who looked very Marfan and that look does not go well with racing.
Someone I knew who lived in Washington, DC, had a dissection then a repair, but insisted on jogging every day. His wife forced him to carry a cell phone which, eventually, he had to use to call for help when he developed another aneurysm that dissected on one of his runs. He did survive, but then the family moved away and I do not know what happened since then. Luckily, his children were all grown-and-gone at the time of his second dissection.
You are not even close to 60. You are needed here on earth, CBD! Please don't push your luck!