Travel to Alaska - Advised NOT to do!

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A reply for Peggy...

If you have mitral or aortic stenosis, your doctor will likely advise against snorkelling (I go down 30+ feet regularly). Most will faint outright if you mention scuba diving.

Absolutely run that by your cardiologist before leaving.

After your surgery, you may very well be able to pick up scuba diving again, if you can find an enlightened cardiologist who will work with you to make sure your body's ready. There are some post-vr divers on this site.

The altitude thing is about oxygen intake, and the possibility of creating a potentially risky anoxic situation for a damaged heart that would not have happened if you stayed home.

Best wishes,
To John & JoAnn:
Thank you for your advise & comments on Alaskan cruise plans.

We were hoping to take the train ride to the Yukon Territory & also to go to Denali. Do you think this would be pushing it?

We've never been on a large ship so I'm not sure if we will experience sea sickness either. I hope there is something I can take that doesn't interfere with my coumadin & other meds I take already if I do get seasick.

Thanks again for everyone's input -- I appreciate it! :)
njean said:
To John & JoAnn:
Thank you for your advise & comments on Alaskan cruise plans.

We were hoping to take the train ride to the Yukon Territory & also to go to Denali. Do you think this would be pushing it?

We've never been on a large ship so I'm not sure if we will experience sea sickness either. I hope there is something I can take that doesn't interfere with my coumadin & other meds I take already if I do get seasick.

Thanks again for everyone's input -- I appreciate it! :)

I've never used them (or been on a cruise either )BUt I think they make wristbands that could help with that and they wouldn't bother any meds.
Hi njean,

I don't have CHF, but I do have heart concerns with my condition. I travel to Europe every month, and there is always the thoughts in my mind about.. " What if something happens? What if I go into A-fib or A-flutter?"

I have lined up the hospitals there that I want to use in that event, and also have emergency medical information that I carry, and also give to certain key people that I work around.

So, perhaps you may want to consider this. Why not do some research of the Hospitals in Alaska, find out which ones would be best to treat your condition should something come up. Prepare an emergency medical information sheet, and have the list of preferred hospitals on it. You can take it with you, and at least be prepared to have someone directed to take you to a hospital that you researched, that would be closest to your location.

Unless that is, you plan on scaling mountains and being out on the Alaskan Frontier. If you are healthy enough to travel anywhere in the continental USA, then you are most likely just as healthy to travel to Alaska. What would you do should something come up if you lived in Boston, but was in Los Angeles? Take a plane back to your hospital in Boston? I guess you could also jump a plane from Alaska to Boston, or as I mentioned earlier, find a good local hospital.. just in case.

anyway.. I am not one to sit on my front porch and watch the world go by. I want to be a part of it.. It's all a matter of personal health, desires, and risk management. There is a balance.

Hope you find the balance that makes you happy,

Thank you Rob for your advise & Lyn also. I do plan to do research on all medical facilities in or around Alaska, Vancouver, etc., to be prepared in case something goes wrong. Believe me, I don't plan to go unprepared! Thanks again!


I talked to a friend before we left for our Alaska trip. she said ..they took the train ride to Yukon..boring...and lots of curves, ect...up there..I believe you take it from Skagway...In Skagway ..we let our children do the flight,float trip.. and our ship picked them up down at next town....Late that day..I was a nervous wreck..but they said, it was wonderful...floating down in raft and seeing all the wildlife..the ships has all the set-ups..Brought them in on small boats...I stood on deck and watched them come aboard.....I have the book on Alaska Cruises...telling all about the towns, ect. Inside passage..I will send it to you..No need for me to have it anymore...Just PM me and I will mail it to you....Bonnie
Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving

Thank you for the reply Bob H,

I don't wish for my doctor to faint but I suppose I should ask about the scuba diving. I'm new to this limiting myself and take things for granted.

Thank You,

Doing nothing is difficult, I never know when I'm finished. ;)

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