Travel Questions after surgery

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
I'm curious how those of you who travelled far from home for surgery handled the trip home. More specifically, flying. Did you leave the hospital and go straight to the airport or did you stay in a hotel for a night (or more) and then fly home. I'm trying to figure out my husband's and my travel from Mayo in March after my surgery. Thanks for you input.

Hopefully my sister, KatieD, will post in a little bit. She traveled from Colorado to Dallas for her surgery last June. She returned to Colorado a week later, less than a week after her surgery. Her travel included a 3 hour drive once she got to the airport to get home.
Most people stay in a hotel for a night or more before being dismissed and flying home. The flight seems to be no problem. I'm sure some who have flown will chime in soon. We had a two hour drive, stopping once for Dick to get out and stretch and walk around a bit.
My husband had surgery at the CC in October. His surgery was on a Wednesday and we flew home on the following Tuesday. He did remarkably well.

Shelly in SD
All my surgeries (OHS) have been done in Houston & I live in New Mexico so we've had to fly to get there & back. I have stayed at a motel close to the hospital for the first night after release from the hospital just to make sure things are okay. Then we fly home. I think it's best to do this just to be on the safe side in case something happens, you're still close by the hospital. And I've never had any problems with flying. This last time however, we were delayed in Dallas/Ft. Worth AP for 3 hrs. before we made our flight home. And too, your hubby might want to request a wheelchair for you in case you feel you need one.

Best wishes & take care. :)
I didn't travel by airplane for my surgery, but it did immediately pop into my mind that I would want to stick around for a couple days in case something came up and you wanted to get it checked out. Fortunately Rochester is a pretty inexpensive town, so the cost difference is almost certainly worth the piece of mind.
I flew home 5 days after surgery. Make sure the travel agent books you on the most direct flight. Travel agent booked us with a 3 hour layover in Atlanta. My wife had a fit. She told her no way was I going to sit for 3 hours in an airport after OHS. The travel agent found a direct 1 hour flight home. We flew home the day I was discharged. Having OHS is a heck of way to get head of the line privileges at the airport :).

I think a wheel chair is a must. Make sure the pusher does not exceed the speed limit. Those little speed bumps over the carpet hurt if the pusher goes too fast :(.


I flew from Denver to Dallas for my surgery in June 2007. I was released on day 6 after surgery and went straight from the hospital to the airport with a short stop at a pharmacy to fill my new prescriptions. My husband called ahead to the airline for a wheelchair and we actually discovered the wheelchair was great for helping speed us and our nine year old twins through security.

As my sister, MaryC, pointed out, I had a car trip after the flight to get from the airport to my home. I didn't have any issues during the flight or the car trip.

I had minimally invasive surgery so didn't have the issues with the sternum tenderness, but I posted here before my surgery and found others who traveled home immediately after surgery without any problems. Try searching on airplane flights for more information.



I was released 5 days after surgery but stayed in hotel near hospital for and additional 4 days or so. After being seen and cleared by the surgeon I flew home the next day. I would think it would be better to hang around a couple of days at least to make sure all is well.
You will definitely want to request a wheel chair for transport through the airport. Since there is NO lifting after it helps to have a lap for escort to use for the extras. I had to change planes in Atl. and it would have been a mighty challenge w/o the chair!
Best of luck!
Patients fly all over to / from Mayo

Patients fly all over to / from Mayo

Hi! I just had my aortic valve replaced at Mayo on New Year's Eve. I live about 250 miles away in Duluth, MN, and the "ride home" was a thought for me too. But remember - patients fly in to Mayo from all over the world, and fly home right after surgery....not an uncommon thing at all...
They are very professional and awesome (I had Dr. Sundt) and will know when you are ready for the ride!
If it's any consolation, flying's probably less 'bumpy' than the car ride!
Best of luck to you!!
My blog:
My surgery was two planes away in Cleveland. I stayed in a hotel for two days after surgery, and this was nice to get my bearings, have a day to take it slow and prepare to fly home. I also ordered a wheelchair and used it part of the time. We were lucky to fly first class, and I think that was money well spent. In addition to the more comfortable seating, we did need to change the reservations at the last minute and having first class tickets allowed us to do this.

Going through security, I mentioned to the person that I had metal wire in me after the OHS, but that didn't seem to be an issue. Mentioning to the stewardesses that I had just had OHS was nice, too, as I felt that took a bit of extra care of me.

All the best for successful surgery and flight home, Betsy

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