Tornado in Sherry's hometown

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Thank God Everyone is OK, and for those who are not...

Thank God Everyone is OK, and for those who are not...

you have my utmost prayers and heartfelt sympathy and pray that you will be in Gods loving arms...Sherry, Wise, and everyone else, Thank God your all right. Harrybaby:eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :D
Good to know that ya'll are safe 'n' sound. I, too, tried to call Sherry earlier today, but could not get through ... glad to read all is well for her.

I also tried to get through to Sherrin Hutt (er, I think I have that spelled correctly), but have yet to get through to her and her husband either.... Hope all is well for them, too....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"If you fall, I will catch you" ... Cindy Lauper ... 'Time After Time'
Oh I am glad Shery is okay!

Oh I am glad Shery is okay!

LUVMyBirman said:
Hi all,

Sherry just called from her cell phone. She is alright!

The tornado literally bounced over her neighborhood. It was a very close miss. She said a good friend lost her home. 15 people are dead. Nearby trailer park and horse farm wiped out.

They just restored temporary electricity. As you can imagine, the outlining areas are a shambles.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Sherry.
Take care

I am so sorry to hear of the other losses though.
Glad you all are okay. So sorry about all the others who didnt fare as well. I live in a hurricane-prone area, so I too know the devastation that comes with such a disaster. Will be keeping everyone there in thoughts and prayers.
I'm back...

I'm back...

Hello, All,
First of all, I just want to thank all of you for your care and concern on this thread. It means so much to me that my cyberfriends were looking out for me.

Where to begin? Well, as many of you know from turning on the national news Sunday morning, an F3 tornado, three quarters of a mile wide, cut a 40 mile swath starting in northern KY (Henderson - where I teach) and ending up north of Boonville, IN. It decimated Ellis Park, a horseracing venue just north of the Ohio River, jumped into Southern Vanderburgh County (Evansville) and totally tore up a trailer park. In fact, news reports state that there were actually two vortexes on the ground in that trailer park. The rescue personnel had to drain the retention ponds to recover bodies because these people were literally being sucked out of their trailers and thrown into these ponds. A lady I teach with knows a guy who survived being thrown, if you can imagine that. It then jumped up into Warrick County and hopped through Newburgh, my town, tearing up several subdivisions, went north through an industrial park, and then tore up some more northeast of Boonville, IN. My subdivision was narrowly missed. In fact, the ones that got it the hardest were just one quarter mile up the road. Both my boys and I know people who had their homes just completely torn up. My husband and I walked in that general area Sunday morning to check on my friend's house and were just shell-shocked by what we saw. They are estimating over 100 million dollars in damage. The death toll was 23 the last I heard, but there are still up to 100 or so still in the hospital, some very critical.

Right now, we are still in a state of emergency. The National Guard is here manning several checkpoints. Since my house was right in the middle of all those areas, I have to circle way around the country and enter a back road into my subdivision. My drive from Henderson High to my house normally takes 25 minutes door to door. Now it's taking me roughly two hours to get home in the early evening.

Again, thanks to all of you for your care and concern. I had Gina's number in my address book from our Vegas trip and knew that if I called her, she would convey the news. Thanks, Gina. :) :) Please keep the victims' families in your thoughts and prayers. BTW, I'm attaching a picture of a church down the road from us just to give you an idea of the damage.
I just checked Ross's link that he had posted earlier on this thread. MSNBC is posting some more current news regarding the aftermath. Very, very sad stories.


So glad to see you back..We were all worried for you....Glad you and your family are O.K..Must have been so scary..How long where you..without power..?..Take care..Bonnie

Glad to have you back and happy that you are alright. This is such sad news and reminds me of the day of the Xenia tornado back in the seventies. I know your area was hit pretty hard on that day also.

Our prayers go out to your neighbors that were hit so hard. Please take care on your new routes home since they are unfamilar.
I am glad to read that our "family" members got through this storm OK. We send our prayers to those who lost loved ones.

The most touching eyewitness report I saw on the news was that of a husband. He and his wife were in bed when the storm hit. They saw the roof disappear over their bed and suddenly his wife was lifted up. He held onto her legs and was able to save her. She was still in the hospital when they were interviewing him. Needless to say, he was overcome with emotion while telling about their experience.

May God Bless,

Floods and more tornado warnings, oh my...

Floods and more tornado warnings, oh my...

Hi, All,
Survived an unbelievable storm - again - last night. The rain was so bad that several areas are flooded, including my high school across the river in KY. They're evacuating nursing homes and subdivisions over there. No school today to say the least. Now as I'm sitting here typing, the tornado warnings are going off here in Newburgh. Geez, is there ever an end? :( :(

BTW, the final toll, according to the newspaper this morning, is that 500 homes were severely damaged or destroyed last weekend. It's been a terrible week.
Geekers Sherry....I hope you all get through this ok...

Geekers Sherry....I hope you all get through this ok...

The weather sure has been crazy this year for all of us, but I know your having it extremely hard with all the tornadoes and such. Please stay safe and your in my prayers that you wont have any more of these horrible storms. Harrybaby:eek: :D :D :eek:
They are calling for thunder storms tonight in Georgia. They are expected to hit late. Those are the worse ones that come in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. I guess I will have a sleepless night listening for the storms. Glad all our VR buddies are okay. We were on vacaton last week and saw the damage from the storms on the weather channel.
It's bad here, Sherry.
We usually get the same weather you do, but it hits about 3 hours earlier.

We had rain and storms all night. Some schools have cancelled due to the flooding. The worst news is the forecast calls for this to be only a prelude for what will occur later in the day.

Stay safe.
Mary and All VR.commers who are in the storm areas...

Mary and All VR.commers who are in the storm areas...

Please stay safe and know that we are hoping for better weather for all of you...Harrybaby:D :D :D
I'm ok Harry.
The front just passed through, but it was a little scary!
It's headed due East at 55mph so everyone needs to take care in S. Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
It still hasn't reached my sisters yet, so I will feel much better have they let me know they are ok.
Glad to hear you are okay Mary and hoping all our midwestern friends stay safe. The weather patterns this year are downright scary!:eek:
Keep your heads up. We are under a tornado watch right now so I am sure Sherry's area is also. It's looking pretty ugly.
Hope all stay safe..Just rainy and still too warm here...Getting too close, heard just now Tenn. had a tornado..:eek: We went into our town today where a tornado hit after Katrina .They have been logging trees off the Mountain tops..They were burning the debris today on bottom land....Smelled awful..but, with the first rain..guess they thought it was safe to do..but, I worry with the bare hills going into town..if it rains hard this winter..the Chattahooga river runs thru town that feed into Lake Lanier ...30 miles from here....near Atlanta..Will be a lot of mud,, what it will do to the trout fishing. One huge bare hill is next to our little 2 lane road that enters Helen and I'm sure the road will be covered with mud..:eek: .. and they said, Tornadoes never hit in the Mountains.:eek: ..Stay safe everyone..Bonnie
tHANKS, Wise and Sherry for checking in. You know how we worry. Thanks goodness you are alright.

I heard an 'expert' on the news saying this year's weather is NOT unusual. Well, I for one, beg to disagree. It certainly IS! I've been on this earth a lot of yrs and don't recall anything like this & last year.

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