Too Much Excitement Here Lately!!!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
Whave had lots of excitement to put it mildly. My Sophie's puppies were born. There are 3 2 look like rat terriers and one looks like a black and tan MIN PIN . ALL 3 ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. Theother excitement is more like an aggrevation. We had A problem withthe wire carrying our electricity from the power pole to the house. The wire was too small and the low voltage caused the multi-plug in my bed oom caught fire. Fortunately we were able to get the problem repaired before the entire house caught fire.

You have had alot of excitement, Lettitia, but you seem to be handling it well.:)
I'm scared of fires, so I don't know if I'd be as calm if I were telling your story. :eek: :eek:
Add to that new puppies in the house!:eek: They are alot of work! But they are always so cute, and I bet they're going to good homes.:)

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