Tomorrow is my day.......

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
I am to be at the hospital at 5:30 am tomorrow morning. I cannot believe that all this waiting is almost over. I am scared to death....but I seem to have no choice. I know, I know.....I am going to feel much better when it is over.....but sitting on this side it is hard to see that. I have only been a part of this site for a short time...but honestly this is the most helpful place I have found. I had so many questions answered. By reading all your posts, I was able to get a real sense of how this is going to go....and I want to say thank you. I will send updates as soon as I can. Even Pictures !
I was thinking of you late last night and saying prayers for you. I will continue to pray, pray, pray for you on your day, tomorrow. I'll be trailing you girlfriend - I'll be going in the same as you, 5:30am, whew, on Friday. May your surgery and recovery go very, very well. See ya, over on the "other side".
Thank you....I think alot about all of you I met on here.....there are so many of us just this week. We can all chat about it, I hope happily, in the post surgery forum in the next few weeks.
Best wishes for tomorrow. But you will be absolutely fine! I was the same as you. Scared to death, but knew I had no choice. I have always said the hardest part was from the time I was told I had to have surgery, to my surgery day. After that...well I don't want to say it was a breeze, but you will be surprised how much easier it is then you think. Your mind will be all better, you won't worry like you did before surgery. You will be all fixed up and ready to go by the end of summer!
Robin, don't fall for it! Ross tries that crap all the time! He'll make you laugh, make you sneeze, make you cough. He's as rotten as that buddy of mine who came to the hospital on day 2 and was making me laugh so hard I had to keep telling him, please stop, it hurts to laugh. But I was laughing when I said it so he thought I was kidding, lol. And he's a friend - I'd hate to imagine what an enemy could do to ya at that point. So don't let any enemies into your recovery room, only friends. Which hopefully includes us, even though it's only through the internet ;) Speaking of which, we should all send Al Gore (the inventor of the internet) a thank you letter. Can you imagine going through this without this forum? I can't. Robin, take those last few steps up that mountain, we're all over here having a big party on this side and we can't wait for you to join us! We'll even throw you a rope to help you up those last few steps if ya need one, so keep posting tonight if you're not to busy taking all your pre-op meds ;)
Hey, Robin. We're right here with you. Keep busy today if you can. The waiting is the hard part.

We'll be anxiously awaiting your first post/family's report tomorrow.


I haven't been keeping up too well, so am nearly too late to wish you well. I did look at your blog, and am still not sure, but I think you may have the same hospital (and maybe surgeon) as I did. If so, you will be in very good hands--they really know what they're doing!

Best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
Robin....ALL the best thoughts ...wishes and prayers coming your way........Next time we hear from you will be another veteran of the whole procedure......:) Michael
Looking forward to your "other side of the mountain" posts ;) We've heard from Bean Counter & Julie already this week, and you're next ;) But don't feel like you have to rush it and post anything until you're ready - we'll be fine for a few days while we wait to hear. Go get 'em girl!

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