Tomorrow is My 2nd Re-Birthday

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
It is hard to believe that it has been two years for me since that life-altering experience known as open heart surgery. Not a day goes by that I don't think about February 16. My family is wonderful, but I bet there will be no surprise parties tomorrow complete with a nice cake baked with (Type 2-friendly) Splenda. They still think my birthday is back in November. But in my own mind, February 16 is my new birthday, my real birthday, my re-birthday.

Tomorrow I will be 2 years old, a Terrible Two. :p

Without February 16, a marvelously skilled surgeon, and many prayers, I would not have been around the past two years to enjoy the birth of my first grandson, the blossoming of my two granddaughters, our 40th wedding anniversary, a move to the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, and big career successes for my son and daughter. (Not to mention other happy moments, such as a St. Louis Cardinals championship and a Carrie Underwood concert. :) I am richly blessed.

The enlargement and leakage the surgeon found when he went in were so bad (worse than the diagnostic tests had indicated) that I am confident in saying I would not have been around much longer than a few months without the surgery.

On Valentine's Day, 2005, I was at the hospital for my pre-op wishing those cute nurses would give me a "Be My Valentine" card or a candy kiss or something. Instead they were giving me that awful scrub soap and instructions for being back before dawn on the 16th to be split open like a baked potato., :p They were very helpful and thorough. It was surreal to have all that OHS prep on Happy Hearts Day. But I have a happy heart now, and I am grateful.

The last thing I remember before being wheeled into surgery was my 6-5 son (a former college pitcher) decked out in my bright red Cardinals windbreaker looking down on me. Growing up, he'd always picked a team different than mine and kidded me about Redbirds' losses. It was all in fun. But I guess he figured that if the old man was going to check out now, he'd send him on his way with a vision of his son as a Cardinals convert. :p

I remember half waking up in the ICU after the 5-hour surgery with the breathing tube still in, something I had dreaded. But I also overheard a nurse talking about my oxygen intake having been "alarmingly low," and so I was grateful for that tube after all. When it finally came out, I had to sleep with an oxygen mask a few nights and work hard to get my lung capacity back up enough to go home. I still don't know why. I had quit smoking 40 years earlier. I had been physically active. Guess I just had "lazy lung." My body had decided it was time for this old-timer to check out. I had to teach my body a lesson or two about "miles to go before I sleep" in cardiac rehab. :)

I could ramble on and on, but I won't. This 2-year-old just wants to say how grateful he is for the people on this Forum always being here. They were wonderfully supportive before that amazing 16th of February, and have been ever since, no matter how cantankerous I occasionally get. :)

Cheers to all,
Now just don't be too bratty after tomorrow, Mr. Terrible Twos.;) :D ;) No temper tantrums, no crying - be a big boy.;)

Seriously, congratulations. Isn't is amazing how the time goes by?
All together, now.....

All together, now.....

Happy re-birthday to youuuu....
Happy re-birthday to youuuu....
Happy re-birthday dear RobHolllllll......
Happy re-birthday to youuuu.....

Many happy returns!!!
Hello Bob!
How sweet it is to 'hear' all about your heart story. All this time has past and I've never known the details! So happy you have your life back! Isn't it great!? You truely are blessed!
What a wonderful celebration post. You got me all verclemped (or however you spell that word). Why is it I'm picturing someone having to haul you out of the grocery store screaming and kicking because they won't buy you that box of animal crackers.:D ;)

Wishing you many many more wonderful re-birthdays!
I remember your surgery like it was yesterday . . . of course, you were Bionic Bob back then!:p

Happy heart birthday and never forget that it is my ferverent hope that you will see many, many more Redbird championships! :) ;)

Go Bob!

Go Cardinals!
As guy in the waiting room (6 days to go!) I am so grateful for your post. I like your attitude about the situation. Like you, I see it as a physical rebirth of this tired body. I have already had the spiritual kind many years ago so I am ready for this to happen.
You have inspired me and, no doubt, several others.

Peace of Christ,
Happy Re-B ! Bob...!

Hope those terrible 2's don't change you to much!....oh oh... did I change... sniffff... snifffff.... ewwwwwwwww!

Wishing you continued good health.

Much appreciated, thanks.

And Don, you have made my day. It is so good to know that my recollections have helped as you prepare for your big day. That's what this forum is all about. It sounds like you are well-prepared mentally and spiritually to climb this mountain. Many people talk about achieving a state of peace as they prepare, and I believe that is true. If you have any questions as you go into the countdown, post a thread in "Pre-Surgery" and I'm sure you will get many good responses from the "family." Our prayers will go with you. We look forward to hearing from you afterwards and into your recovery. Godspeed!
RobHol said:
Tomorrow I will be 2 years old, a Terrible Two. :p

*rolls eyes*

Guess we're going to have to keep an eye on you this year ... he he.


Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It goes so fast" ... Jodee Messina ... 'Was That My Life?'
RobHol said:
Hey, Cort, thanks! (I'll try to behave. Waaaaaaaa! :D )

*chuckles slyly*

Heh ... that'll be the day ... a Cardinals fan BEHAVING ;). He he he


RobHol said:
And glad to see you back. We were starting to get worried about you. Hope everything went well with your pacer.


Thank you :). Didn't mean to worry people :(.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"A heart that's hopeful" ... Michael W Smith ... 'Place In This World'