Today really sucked

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Greg a Supporter
Supporting Member
May 21, 2010
I am tired of being sick

Went to Renal failure clinic and found out my kidney function is down to 28%

THEN TONIGHT my grand daughters both called
I am with you on the tired of being sick ideology. I am glad you have those moments like the ones with your grandchildren to make it all worth the fight.
Greg so sorry to hear about your kidney. Take care of yourself and hope you will be ok.
Sighs heavily and with frustration that you are having to deal another health issue. :mad:

You are encouraging in your posts to others and I have seen that you have a sense of humour but when #^$@# happens, it can be harder to find the funny.

I will pass on tired cliches but will one canadian to another... medical crap sure sucks eh?? !! was that for eloquent ?? ;)

Glad you shared....grab the glad where and when you can. Sounds like grand daughters are a good place to start !!

~ Blue :)
Thank you all so much for your kind words the thing is that my understanding is that once the function is gone it is gone there really is not much to do but monitor it all and with the number of great doctors I have and the clinics I attend there is not a chance of it getting away from me the fact is thst I AM HERE TO FIGHT when three short years ago I was not given much hope grand daughters I see almost daily and I have a new daughter in law so ....yes I was ticked off at the news but then counted my blessings that I have had in the past three years so for now it stands at 28% but no intervention will take place until 15% and as long as my ICD keeps zapping me
I'll be here to stick my tongue out
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When we started seeing a nephrologist for my husband his function was at 27%, six months later it was up to nearly 50%. two weeks ago back down to 28%. His doctor explained that it will yo-yo when you are dealing with congestive heart failure.

I hope yours starts the upward trend soon!
When we started seeing a nephrologist for my husband his function was at 27%, six months later it was up to nearly 50%. two weeks ago back down to 28%. His doctor explained that it will yo-yo when you are dealing with congestive heart failure.

I hope yours starts the upward trend soon!
MAY I ask how long you have been seeing a nephrologist
Greg, just wanted you to know that I'm another one here hoping for the best for you :)
Greg, Know I am thinking of, and praying for you. Those we love are often wonderful for healing our spirits. I am glad too that you have those granddaughters. Brian

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